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As she chewed on a cookie, Carly sat at her computer watching videos on SplashFace.

"Hey, hey!" a foot with a mouth said on the screen as Carly laughed at the golden comedy. "I'm not here for your entertainment. I'm a foot. Leave me alone!"

"Oh, foot," Carly said with a smile. Just then, a quick knock was heard and peeking his head into the apartment was Freddie.

"Hey, Carly," he said in a whisper.

"Oh, hey," Carly greeted, turning away from the foot video.

"Is Sam here?"

"No, why?" Freddie then entered the apartment and locked the door with the chain.

"'Cause I pulled a prank on her."

"You pulled a prank on Sam?" Carly asked, terrified for Freddie as she walked up to him.

"Uh-huh," Freddie answered.

"What, are you tired of living? Why would you mess with Sam?"

"Because she put a dead fish in my locker," Freddie answered as he shrugged his backpack off. "Smell this."

"No. Gross. I don't wanna smell your fishy backpack. What prank did you play on Sam?" Speak of the devil, the aggressive blonde tried to open the door, only for the chain to hold it closed.

"Open the door!" the furious female shouted through the crack.

"Sorry!" Tommy's voice shouted. "I did my best to stop her, but when she's this angry, there's no stopping her."

"Call the police," Freddie said to Carly.

"Open this door!" Sam shouted again as Freddie cowered behind Carly for protection.

"Can't we just talk this out like civilized people?!" Tommy asked.

"Leave me alone, Sam!" Freddie shouted. "We're even." Growling, Sam grabbed the chain from the crack and yanked it off the door, allowing the door to open.

"Come here, Benson!" she shouted as she walked in, dragging Gibby behind her, because the poor boy was handcuffed to her, and Tommy, who was trying to stop them by pulling on Gibby's free arm.

"You handcuffed her to Gibby?" Carly asked.

"She put a dead fish in my locker."

"Gibby's way worse than a dead fish!" Sam shouted.

"My mom thinks I'm awesome," Gibby said, taking offense to Sam's remark. Sam, however, just glared at Freddie with murder in her eyes.

"Just give me the key!" the blonde shouted.

"Give her the key!" Carly agreed.

"Give her the key!" Tommy added as he continued to pull to no avail.

"Only if she promises - -" Freddie was cut off by Sam screaming in anger and running toward him, dragging poor Gibby out of Tommy's grip. Freddie also screamed as Sam chased him around the kitchen, a lot of unintelligent arguing being shouted at the tops of their lungs until Sam finally slammed Freddie's upper body down on the table.

"Ow, my arm!" Freddie shouted in agony as Sam held him in a "say uncle" position.

"Where's the key?" Sam asked.

"In my front pants pocket, left side!"

"Get the key out of his pocket," Sam said to Carly.

"Okay," the brunette said, but stepped back almost immediately. "Ew, no."

iCarly (Carly Shay x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now