One tried to lift him up to relieve the pressure on his neck, and the other helped the kicked stool up so that he could stand safely on the stool.

    After a lot of fuss, it can be regarded as saving the hanged ghost!

    Netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded by this amazing development.

    【Ah, this hanged ghost is probably scaring people with his life! ]

    [Although, I still can't help but laugh out loud! ]

    [I feel sorry for the hanged ghost, and I am defending my scary business with my life! ]

    [I was so scared that I hugged the pillow a second ago! I couldn't stop laughing the next second hahaha! 】

    The hanged ghost held his neck and coughed desperately, and it took him a while to recover.

    Shen Tinglan at the side also took the opportunity to educate Jiang Yan.

    "Look, the scary ghosts you think are all played by a fool like him, do you think they are not so scary anymore?"

    It was said that the hanged ghost coughed even more fiercely, and he almost coughed up his lungs after hearing this sound.

    Jiang Yan cautiously glanced at the hanged ghost, who coughed and glared back viciously, so scared that Jiang Yan immediately retracted his head, looked up and saw Shen Tinglan's expression of hating iron and steel, he was very guilty, " Cough, one of the three of us must be scared? Otherwise, is it too disrespectful to these staff who have worked so hard to pretend to be ghosts to scare us?" Shen Tinglan sighed and patted

    Jiang Yan on the shoulder, "Forget it, I'm afraid Just be afraid, Lord Lan will protect you!"

    [Halo value +50 (Jiang Yan 110/1000)]

    When the hanged ghost finally came to his senses, Shen Tinglan asked him directly, "What's the password for the password box under the bed?"

    Look here A few people saved his life, and the hanged ghost gave them the password very readily.

    Cheng Zihuan went to unlock the password, and Shen Tinglan asked the hanged ghost again, "Which rooms on this floor have clues?

    " There are also 205 and 207 who have clues."

    After speaking, he touched his neck and left.

    There is another diary in the lockbox, and with this one, they have already got three diaries.

    Seeing Cheng Zihuan curiously flipping through the newly acquired diary, Shen Tinglan simply suggested to read the three diaries first.

    The diary tells what happened in this dormitory building from the perspective of different students.

    But the question is how does knowing these help in escaping?

    Cheng Zihuan and Jiang Yan were in a state of confusion, when Shen Tinglan suddenly asked them, "Is there something written with a red ballpoint pen on the last page of your diary?" The two quickly turned to the last page of the diary and found

    that the three diaries The last page was actually written in black and red ballpoint pens.

    Cheng Zihuan and Jiang Yan racked their brains and couldn't see any rules.

    Shen Tinglan had no choice but to patiently explain to them, "In the book I took, all the words on the first line and the last word on each line are written in red. Look, do these red words look like numbers when combined? 7?"

After regaining the halo of the heroine, She became popularOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant