The Alliance of Men and Elves:

Start from the beginning

Elladan leaned on the table, "Think of it like this My Lord. If the dunedain are wipe out Middle-Earth will possess no hope of a future. The lands to the east will fall to Mordor. If Sauron comes forth from Mordor there is no one to stop him from conquering every region from here to the Woodland realm."

I grabbed Legolas's hand. 

The King looked at the two of us before frowning. Something inside me dropped.

Thranduil stopped and stared off towards the hills. I saw his shoulders shake slightly.

"Alright. What I have brought with me is what I can offer. I put it under Legolas's command."

My jaw lowered slightly. Legolas looked equally as shocked.

"Thank you, My King," Elrohir bowed.

"Thank you Ada," Legolas put his hand on his father's shoulder. Thranduil turned around and hugged his son.

"Look!" Elrohir cried and pointed. We all turned and beheld a welcomed sight.

Arwen was riding up the road with a small army of Rivendell soldiers behind her. Glorfindel was with her, and Elrond also! We all rushed to greet them. Aragorn ran from the treeline and swept Arwen off her feet the second her foot touched the ground. I smiled as he kissed her cheek and greeted his foster-father. Elrohir and Elladan embraced their sister and exchanged greetings with their father as well. Glorfindel stalked over and called to Elrohir, "You owe me."

I looked at Legolas and then at the two other ellons, "You made a bet?"

Glorfindel's hearty laugh rang out, "Elrohir and I, yes. Looks like I won."

I slapped Elrohir's arm, "You little."

He laughed. Legolas shook his head and blushed.

"Thranduil, Mellon nin," Elrond bowed. "It has been long since we've had the pleasure of meeting."

Thranduil cocked an eyebrow, "Master Elrond. Good to see you and your kin are well."

I greeted Elrond who embraced me warmly. Arwen and I were all over each other as soon as we could get away from the men. I moved Legolas's things onto the spare bed in the twin's room so Arwen could bunk with me. 

"You looked like the happiest girl alive," Arwen smiled at me as she watched me organize some things on the shelf.

"I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I always knew you and Legolas were meant to be."

Meant to be. Meant to be. We were meant to be. "I guess so."

"Am I invited to the wedding?" She tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"Of course! I want you standing with me!"

"And I shall be there," She reached and squeezed my hand. "So, has Legolas kissed you yet?"

"What Arwen?" I threw my pillow at her.

"Oh come on."

"Well for your information yes."

She smirked.

"Oh stop it."

Arwen rolled over on her back and stared up at the ceiling.

"Shouldn't you be kissing your own fiance?"

           Arwen left to find her own lover while I collapsed on my bed. My eyelids became heavy so I let them fall.

I felt something damp drip down my leg. Something behind me snarled. A wolf. It stood in front of me snarling. Red fluid dripped from its mouth. My blood. I looked down at the dark patch spreading down my leg. I felt like fire was tearing through me. Someone screamed with terror.

"Lilli?" Someone asked me.

My eyes flew open and I jolted upright.

"It's alright." Legolas rubbed my back.

"It was so real," I sobbed. My body shook terribly. Legolas quickly climbed into bed next to me and held me to him.

"You were dreaming love. It's alright," He whispered in my ear. "Nothing can hurt you while I'm here." 

I clung to him and buried my face in his chest. I pressed my ear to him and listened to his heart beat steadily. The sound calmed my anxiety and lulled me into a peaceful drowsiness. 

Legolas wrapped himself around me and his hair fell like a curtain over his shoulder.

"How did things go with Elrond?"

"Good, He has confirmed all we thought. We have an alliance. The Alliance of men and elves."

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