Emma Swan

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You are an orphan. Your mother gave you up when you were born. You've been in multiple foster homes, both good and bad, Your are 15 years old. You have nothing from your birth mother except for a picture of her. Emma Swan. You spent your past 3 years looking for this woman.

One day you come out of school and walk straight to a diner. You walk and take a seat at the counter. The waitress takes your order and gives you your hot cocoa with whip cream and cinnamon. As you turn around in the chair your eyes set upon a blonde with hazel eyes.

You bravely walk up to the woman and her companion, a older woman with dark hair and eyes.

" Um excuse me. Are you Emma Swan"

" Who's asking?" the blonde says.

" I'm (y/n) your daughter. You gave me up 15 years ago. 3 years before you gave up another baby."

Emma and the other woman sits there in shock.

" Emma why didn't you tell me you had a daughter and that Henry had a sister?" the woman with black hair asked.

Emma just shrugs. " I thought she was living a better life. A life I wanted her to have just like when I gave up Henry."

" Well I never did. I was in and out of foster homes and now I'm here. Are you together? And is Henry my brother or something, cuz if he is where is he?"

The darker woman chocked on her coffee "Hello (y/n) was it. My name is Regina, Regina Mills. I'm very sorry for what you have been through. But me and and your mother here are not dating. We are simply just friends. And yes he's your brother. I adopted him 12 years ago. Sadly you were not there as I adopted him"

"oh I'm sorry"

You look at Emma drinking her coffee. As she says..
" I'm really sorry for giving you up years ago. Why don't I make it up to you and you can come with me and live in storybrooke with us"

I look at Regina the back at Emma. "Are you serious?!?"


" Omg of course I'll come live with you. I finally have my mom back." You say jumping a little. "Don't worry about telling my foster parents. I'm currently not in one cuz I ran....."

"oh...well that's ok. I was in the same situation. Let's go home"

The both women get up and walk to the car with you following behind them.

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