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Dear Diary, October 15, 1985

God, why did I start this like a fucking paper.

Anyway, school fucking blows. This stupid journal isn't helping so I don't know why they thought this would be a good idea. Honestly, I'm just doing this cause I'm bored.

No one told me that high school would be this bad, I mean yeah I saw movies on it and shit but I didn't think that it would be right. And I knew that I was gonna get bullied when I got there, I mean look at me, but I didn't think it would be this bad.

It's all gone to shit since Will and El left. Lucas and Max broke up and Lucas ditched us to join the goddamn basketball team so now he has his new 'popular' friends that can fucking bite me for all I care. They're all stuck up anyway. So right now it's just me and Mike and even he's been off, with Will and El gone and everything. The only good thing is that Mike and I found this awesome fucking D&D group called Hellfire. It's run by this senior named Eddie and he's so cool. I mean he's in a band and everything! The only bad thing is that he's like the school outcast so that automatically makes Mike and me outcasts too.

Steve got a new job in that strip mall downtown. He and Robin work at the Family Video there with Keith, even though he's usually not there, at least when I go. Steve lets me take out whatever movie I want, even if it's rated R.


I know I need to talk about it but I hate it more than anything.

I miss Stephanie. I miss my sister. High school has been a total ass and she was supposed to be by my side to help me with bullies and homework and teachers and shit. But she's not. Instead, the party's all split up and she's practically rotting inside that hospital. I miss her so much that it hurts. I hate having this feeling in my stomach whenever someone brings her up. Or if someone talks about the mall. I hate how I just freeze and everything inside of me stops working. I didn't even get to see her when I came back from summer camp. I had this whole stupid plan and everything. I was gonna show her my inventions and then we would have climbed up to WeatherTop to put together my radio tower so she could meet Suzie... but I had to do it with my friends instead, and they didn't even believe me when I told them I had a girlfriend.

That's pretty much it. If I think of anything else I'll write again I guess, but for now I have to meet Mike at the school for a D&D campaign with Eddie.



It was the middle of a chilly November night in Hawkins. The Henderson house was silent with sleep until the landline began to ring, waking Claudia from her slumber. The woman groaned as she slipped out of bed and trudged through the house to reach the phone, that was sitting against the wall in the kitchen.

"Henderson house, Claudia speaking." The woman stated, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, and the man on the other side of the phone spoke to her. "What?" Claudia was fully alert after hearing what the man had to say. "Are you positive?" The blonde woman chuckled, wondering if she was dreaming. "Yes, we'll be right over. Thank you and God bless you." Claudia hung up the phone and turned on the kitchen light. She shuffled through the halls before opening her son's door. She turned on the light, effectively waking the fourteen-year-old boy.

"Five more minutes," The boy grumbled, throwing his blanket over his face to block out the light hitting his eyes.

"Dusty I need you up now." Claudia walked over to her son, ripping the covers off of him.

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