1.1 тнe dragon'ѕ call

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"It's time to wake up Rose," The dark haired girl heard flutter through her ear slightly

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"It's time to wake up Rose," The dark haired girl heard flutter through her ear slightly. It wasn't until her curtains had been pulled back, leaving the morning sun to shine into her eyes for her to fully wake up.

"Why must it be so bright in the morning?" She replied groggily, pulling her heavy blankets back over her head.

"Now—now, miss, your mother has requested you for breakfast. You must get up," Elspeth pulled the blankets from her mistress' head.

Rose shot up from her position in bed with a confused expression morphed on her face. The dark haired girl always joined her parents for breakfast, so why now was her mother specifically requesting her? "Did she say what for?"

"No, I'm sorry,"

The princess didn't ask anymore questions after that. She left her warm bed and let Elspeth do as she pleased with her appearance. Once she was finished, Rose made her way down the long corridors as her light blue dress skimmed the ground. Walking through the grand doors, Rose had noticed her parents had already been seated at their places at the table.

The king and queen sat around a small rounded table next to their large formal one. The parents believing that it brought them closer as a family rather than to sit meters away from each other.

"Good morning, my darling," Lorna Alpin greeted her daughter with a smile. Her long dark hair pulled back from her face and a dazzling crown laid atop of her head.

Rose joined her parents' sides, sitting gracefully at the table.

"How did you sleep?" Her father asked.

"I slept fine," She tilted her head, the brunette feeling the slight tension between her parents. "Is everything alright? You both seem a bit off,"

The two eyed one another, not really knowing what to say to their only child. While most royals would have been disappointed with their first born being a girl. The Alpins saw it as just another gift from God. They envisioned a future with their daughter on the throne and they saw nothing but greatness. They didn't need any more children. Because in their eyes, Rose would rule just as great as any king.

"Please just tell me,"

"Rose...you're mother and I have been talking and...we think that it's come to the time where we further the plans on your betrothal," Alastair stated, hesitantly.

The princess' face dropped. She didn't want to believe it. "What?"

"Now, sweetheart—" Lorna tried.

"Why are you doing this? I do not need a king by my side. Father—you yourself have said that I would make an excellent queen. Why are you forcing me to marry?"

"Rose—you and Arthur have been betrothed since you were six and eight, this isn't anything new,"

"But, I always thought that you would allow me to choose," Her words were laced with sadness. "Now, I know you both were intended, but you found love for one another. I do not see that in Arthur,"

King of my Heart | Arthur PendragonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz