Chapter 32- Make it Make Sense

Start from the beginning

"Finally!" I close the door behind me, sinking into an empty desk close to the front. "Feel free to come out now."

The feathered animal sticks her head out, her chirp echoing against the wood as she walks onto the desk. Our peace is disrupted by low murmuring coming from the door.


"You are still here?" Simon asks while walking inside.

"I am the one who is enrolled at this school." I stroke the bird's head. She coos softly. "What did you and the principal discuss?"

I turn and face my friend: his face hides under the shadows of the window. He folds his arms across his chest and averts his eyes. I let out a slow sigh before leaning back in my seat.

"Fine." I get up and walk toward the door. Before I get outside, Simon tries to touch my shoulder. I glare, making him jump in place.

Before making it around the corner, I hear footsteps approaching me. "Are you not going to congratulate me?" Simon huffs out.

"Why should I?" I turn around, a scowl resting on my face. "I doubt...I..." I shake my head, unable to put a sentence together. "Welcome!" I bolt away, leaving Simon and his dumbfounded look.

I do not look back as the sunlight kisses my face. The bird rejoins her family, diapering into the falling sun. My heart rate picks up as I run through the front gates! A small fire builds on my cheeks, forcing me to bury my eyes in my arm.

This damn school will do whatever it takes to keep me on a tight leash. I should have run away the day of my interview...packed up my apartment, and moved to a hideout. From there, I could have taken myself back to Canada... somehow. But no. My dumbass thought it would be a good idea to stay. Stay and save up extra money for college. That is all I need to do...bear and grin through this chapter of my life.

I nearly miss the approaching train while my mind berates itself. After pushing myself to the back of the section, a breath catches inside my chest. The water cascades down my face, making the person next to me look out the window. Whatever, who cares if I am crying?

"Practicing sorcery and fending off vultures left and right...!" Nutmeg runs into the bedroom when he hears my voice.

I drop my bag on the floor, rush into the kitchen, and tear through my cupboard. A half-eaten box of cereal pops open when it lands on the floor. My favorite brand of coffee flies like confetti, leaving a floral scent in the air. Several cans clash on the countertop!

Where are they? Who took them?

Nutmeg runs back under the bed as I bolt for the nightstand. His meows gnaw at my already pounding head. I pull open the drawer, feeling the naked wood dance under my fingers. My mouth drops open as I sit myself down.

The blue envelopes are gone! My chance of getting out of Jujutusu Tech has vanished! The one connection I had with my father...

My baby rubs his head against my hip, purring like a motorboat. He kneads himself into a ball before setting his head on my thigh. I place a trembling hand on his head, making him lock eyes with me. A third wave of tears fails to fall from my dried ducts.

Two-Hours Later

Nutmeg's rough tongue makes me bat my eyes open. He sits next to me, swaying his tail. I rub my eyes and stretch my arms up high. My front door keeps singing into the dark, forcing me to dart out of the bedroom and press an eye to the peephole.

What the hell are you doing here?

I take three steps back, clutching the hoodie close to my body. Before Simon nocks again, I open the door, folding my hands under my armpits.

He straightens up instantly, trying to avert my eyes. I look to my left and right, piecing together how he found my address. My eyes settle on the stairwell, squinting at the barely visible black cloth. Simon follows my gaze. An uptick in his heart rate confirms my suspicions.

"Satoru and Suguru, come here." My arms cross in front of my body. "Now!" I tap my foot on the floor.

When nothing happens, I storm toward the stairs and notice the black bag wave in the wind. Simon stares at me with an 'are you serious' look. I walk back to my place, pointing inside. Simon quickly walks to the table without saying a word.

"What do you want?" I say abruptly.

Simon looks around the baren room before turning around and facing me. "You live here?"

"Yes. Why?" I fold my arms across my chest, trying not to roll my eyes.

He walks into the kitchen, nearly tripping over one of the cans. He squats down, picks up the can, and gingerly places it on the countertop. I rub my face with my hand.

"Where are your..." his question comes out in a near whisper "parents?"

I point to the table, walking past Simon on my way to the kitchen. Nutmeg meows once before walking out of the shadows. I grab two mugs from the cupboard before filling up the tea kettle.

"Tea or coffee?" I ask while starting the coffee pot.

"Tea when it is ready." Simon's tone is non-confrontational. I close my eyes and shake my head.

I walk to the table, sitting across from Simon. He pushes his chair closer to the table, making eye contact with me. He asks the same question, 'where are your parents?" I slouch and swallow hard.

"They are not here." I rest a hand under my chin. "And neither are my brothers."

Simon squints his eyes. "What happened to them, Lithuila?"

The hissing kettle and beeping coffee pot grab my attention. I get up, clutching the hoodie to my chest.

My smile is absent while the coffee waterfalls into my mug. I cuss under my breath when hot water spills on my hand and the cups chip from being forced onto the table.

"Damn it!" I fan my mouth after sipping my coffee. Simon folds his hands and waits for an answer.

"They are dead...literally and figuratively." Goosebumps form on my arms. I take another sip from my mug, looking at Simon for a reaction. He raises an eyebrow and sips from his mug.

"Have you been experiencing vivid nightmares?"

My off-the-wall question does not phase Simon. He places his cup down and gives a curt 'no.' "Tell me more about what happened."

I furrow my brow and grit my teeth. Why did you come to my residence to ask me about my parents? Has your sudden rise of courage clouded your tact?

"Who is asking?" I look him directly in the eyes. Now his brow furrows.

"I am asking!" His voice raises slightly, "I figured it would not hurt to ask since we are friends. Why are you so defensive?"

"Trust issues! That is why I am defensive!" I point a finger. "The same people who recruited you to the school are the same assholes who broke my family! The same assholes who are using you to get to me!"

Simon's eyes widen as he sinks into his chair. My lips quiver every time I try to open my mouth. I feel warm fluid trickling down my face.

"Ever since our accident eight years ago, things have changed." I sit down, huffing and puffing. "My eldest brother died from cancer, my mother...aged faster than she should have, and I relocated back to Japan with my other brother."

My friend stays silent as the words keep slipping from my mouth. "I did not have time to reach out to you before moving. When I found out you moved here...I was ecstatic!" The tears run down my face. "Then the nightmares came back. And we switched bodies without my initiation!"

At this point, I stand up and repeatedly tap my chest. "When we body hopped, I saw him."

"Who?" Simon asks concern lacing his voice.

"My father," I smile flashes across my face. "I have not seen him since and doubt I ever will."

I sit back in my chair, making it creek under my weight. Simon looks between his mug and face, not making a sound. He puckers his lips before looking at me.   

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