Chapter Two

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                         The Next Day

9 A.M.
Wyndemere Castle

Spencer stared at his phone intently as Esme lay on his chest after the night of intimacy. The image of his friends enjoying time without him bothered him; he spoke with Cam that morning, and he did not mention that Trina and Josslyn would have been passing by to hang out for a bit.

Trina, speaking of Trina, he missed her. He bit his lip as he entered her private chat but hesitated to text her as a memory resurfaced.

“Fuck you, Spence," She emphasized the nickname his partner gave before continuing, "this….” Trina pointed between the duo as she backed away. “Whatever this was, it is over.”

His jaw tensed at the memory of her walking away from the friendship--the relationship--they had built so organically.

“Good Morning,” Esme spoke, snapping him out of his trance. “Are you okay?” Spencer nodded as he sat up. “Just a lot on my mind.” Esme nodded. “I’m going to go shower.” He mumbled as he made his way to the bathroom.


Port Charles University
8:05 P.M.

Trina cursed under her breath as she began running; she was late for her 8 pm class.

“This campus is huge for no goddamn reason.” A small gasp left her lips as her weight shifted forward in an uncontrollable motion.

In a split second, so many actions had ensued.

“Fuck.” She whispered before apologizing profusely to the male that unintentionally caught her fall. “holy shit, I’m sorry! So sorry” She gathered his bags and book, then spotted his spilled Starbucks and began apologizing again.

She scrambled to her bag and took out her wallet, but he stopped her. “hey, hey, it’s fine. Harmless accident.” She properly examined the male, who shot her a comforting close-mouthed smile. “I’m just running late for a class, it’s only for an hour today, and I’ve already missed five min--" she glanced at her watch. "fifteen, oh no!” She exclaimed.

He stood up, extending his hand to her. She accepted the gesture and stood up but flinched at the pain in her left ankle. “today is not my day.” She mumbled to herself.

She attempted to walk but realized she couldn’t. “well, I guess the accident wasn’t harmless after all.” He joked, but in return, Trina groaned as she dragged her hand down her face. She has to miss tonight’s class, most definitely. “I’m sorry again for everything.” She gestured to the ground stained with coffee, and she turned around and began limping back to her car.

“Do you mind if I help you? To take some of the pressure from your ankle, it’ll make it worse.” Trina was hesitant, she did not pick up any negative energy from him, but he was still a stranger. “sure, thank you.” She held onto him as he did the same to her, and she felt pressure leave the area. “I’m not too heavy on you,  am I?” The male chuckled, “No, not at all.”

They made it to her car; she unlocked the door and sat in the driver’s seat. “I never got your name.” She stated as she fixed herself in her seat. “I’m Jasper, Jasper Alcazar.” He smiled, and she returned the smile. “Trina Robinson, it’s nice to meet you.”  “Likewise. Give me your phone; I want to give you my number.”

She complied, handing over her phone. “so, when you arrive home, and all settled, shoot me a text so that I know you’re safe.” Trina blushed as she took back her phone. “I will; thank you again.”  “drive safe.” He stated before closing her door and walking away.

From afar, no one spotted the female who witnessed their interaction. Esme smirked as she walked to the parked car her boyfriend sat in. “Spence, you wouldn’t believe who I just saw.” He turned to her, giving her a look to continue. “Trin, with Jasper.”

Spencer squints his eyes at her. “Jasper? Alcazar?” She nodded, and he swore his heart stopped. “like, friends?” He asked, his voice lower than usual. Esme shook her head “more.” He swallowed harshly, remembering the stories his uncle Sonny told him about Lorenzo Alcazar and his family. He couldn’t let Trina become involved with him. He wouldn’t.

Trina arrived home and began limping inside. “You’re back early, was class canceled?” Portia asked but stopped. “Baby girl, what happened?” Her mom became worried at the swollen ankle. “I was rushing to class and twisted it.” Portia sat Trina on the couch and examined her ankle. “well, it doesn’t seem to be broken, more so strained. Come on, let’s get you in bed and elevate this foot. I have some first aid to help you with.” Trina nodded as Portia helped her upstairs. “I would like to shower first; I feel dirty.” She admitted to her mom, who nodded and helped Trina to the bathroom.

Half an hour passed after she took her shower, and her mom treated her ankle. She remembered Jasper’s request and took out her phone.

After letting him know she was safely home and in bed, they spoke throughout the night about numerous topics, somehow learning months' worth of information in two hours.

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