Chapter One

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This is the exact reason why I hated transferring in the middle of the semester. I mused to myself as I sat in the rector's office at St George's University. I had just moved to the US from Canada because my mother had married once again, and she had insisted we move completely to the US. The only reason I had agreed to transfer between semesters was the promise of complete freedom from her flashy lifestyle since she was a famous Brazilian model and lived in the spotlight, and my fees being paid in advance. So here I was, sitting in front of the mean looking rector whilst waiting for him to help me find accommodation since every dormitory was pretty much full since it was almost mid semester.

"Miss Silva, we managed to secure a place for you off campus," he said , dragging me from my deep thoughts. "It's only temporary, until we find a new opening in the dormitories,"

"Thank you sir," I said, " is the place close to school?" I asked.

"Not that close, but it's located in the suburbs and close to the bus stop, so it won't be difficult for you to come to school, and as I have said.." he paused looking at me" it's only temporary."

"Ok Sir," I said, " so who will I be staying with?" I asked.

"Kyle Stuarts, he is a very nice kid..."

"But sir.." I interrupted him, "you didn't tell me I will be staying with boys!"

" A boy, not boys miss Silva, there's no need to fret about this, he is a nice kid, and it's only temporary. His father is the Dean so naturally it's his apartment but the Dean offered you the other room until we find an opening. You should count yourself lucky that you even found a place to stay at this time of the semester, better yet, a penthouse in Beaumont Hills!" He paused and looked at me, " Welcome to St George's miss Silva, I hope you will enjoy your studies here, you can go wait in the reception area, your roommate is on his way to get you, you will be introduced to your course adviser next week on Monday and you will get your time table from there."

I nodded at him and went to sit at the reception with my bags.

Great! I exclaimed, it's been three freaking hours and my "roommate" hasn't picked me up yet. I feel ridiculous sitting here with three big bags. Everyone who's passing is just staring at me and I'm tired of giving polite smiles to the staff who work in this building, my face feels numb because of smiling. My legs feel numb and my stomach was empty at this point, and I was scared of leaving my spot in case my so called roommate finally decided to come pick me, I didn't know how he looked so I had no other option than to sit at the same place and wait.

It's six pm now, and I'm still here, my bladder is boiling at this point and my stomach is grumbling. The staff that was smiling at me before are now giving me pitiful looks. The rector came out of the office ready to go home and paused, surprised to see me still sitting in the reception area.

"Miss Silva, what are you still doing here? Have you decided to stay here instead of staying with a guy ?" He asked with a frown.

"No sir, I'm still waiting to be picked." I said.

"What? Kyle hasn't come yet?"

" Yes sir."

He muttered something and said, " come, the house is on my way so I will drop you there," he paused and looked at my bags, " carry my briefcase and one bag and I will carry the rest."

"Thank you sir," I said, " if you don't mind , can I use the bathroom before we go."

"Sure," he said, "it's the third door on your left."

We arrived at the apartment in less than fifteen minutes and I have to say, I was quite impressed with the area and the buildings. I was a bit touched when the rector offered to help me take my bags up since the apartment was on the seventh floor and talk to Kyle about his actions today. There was an elevator of course so the whole process was easy. We got there and there was music and some voices coming from inside the apartment. The rector rang the doorbell and a few seconds later, a guy who looked like a frat boy opened the door and his eyes widened when he saw the rector

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