Chapter 4: Fleeing The Scene

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"There is no way I can do this. I can't do anything on my own." MK yelled to himself. When MK attempted to steal the furnace, they got trapped inside by the palace lion guards. MK lay there, contemplating, "I can't do this. I'm not strong enough to do this. Maybe Monkey King chose the wrong successor..." Suddenly, MK sees something glow on his right, appearing as if someone had finally come to help him, "Monkey King, I knew you'd-" As if Buddha wanted to punish him more, the glow settles only to reveal MK's reflection.

MK groans at the sight of, well, himself, "Oh. Perfect! PERFECT! Just who I need! Useless MK!" MK moves closer, his face touching the mirror as they continue to yell. "What have you got to say, huh?" "Um, that's not how mirrors work." The reflection talked back. MK begins to panic internally, "The mirror talked back. THE MIRROR TALKED BACK." all he could blurt at that moment was pure denial, "Ooh, ooh, what? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm going crazy." MK covered his face with his hands and started fidgeting his feet like he was trying to block out whatever was just speaking to him.

The reflection watched him and started getting annoyed, "Ugh, stop that! Listen. Every time we get in trouble, we turn to Monkey King or our friends or someone. They tell us a story and we find that smidge of motivation we need." MK relaxes as he keeps talking, slowly turning to look at the staff, "Well, now we're on our own. It's just... you." MK lifts himself, "Yeah, just me. Stupid me. Trapped in a mystical furnace." "Hey, did you know Monkey King was trapped in here once too?" The reflection responded attempting to lighten the mood slightly.

"Yeah. Difference is he was thrown in and I jumped." "True. But you know what he did? He stuck it out and found a way out. Ended up getting his Golden Eyes of Truth too." The reflection attempted again, only making MK feel smaller, "Well, I'm not the Monkey King, okay?" They hated getting compared to Wukong, as much as he admired him, they were still their own person. "You're right. You're the Monkie Kid. You've got to figure out your own way to win. So do it." He was right. MK turns to his reflection one last time before grabbing his staff.

Back to Red Son and Mei...
"I remember racing for one of these!" "Huh?" Mei had Red Son's feet on her shoulders as she boosted him up to snatch a peach. "Yeah, it wasn't real though, it was like, this metaphor or something. And your parents were there too." Red Son plucked out the peach while listening, "That sounds fun. Ok, I got a peach." Mei turns them to walk away, with Red Son still on her shoulders, "Huh, well, that was easy." Or so they thought, just as the words came out of her mouth, the two bumped into Spider Queen's strongest goon.

"Well, well. You and your little girlfriend are coming with me." The two look at the spider for a short second before growing with anger at the comment, "His..." "Girlfriend!?" Mei leans Red Son forward and aims them like a gun, Red Son points a finger of fire in front of his face, "Flaming Fist of Dignity!!" With that yell, Red Son blows the fire onto the spider's face. "ARGH! You got me in my favourite eye!" The spider swings a fist toward them, but Mei dodges and carries her and Red Son away to the exit.

"Hey, get back here with that stone fruit!" The spider runs behind the two, Red Son just barely staying on Mei's shoulders, "MEI- PUT. ME. DOWN!" Mei speeds her way through the trees, "THERE'S NO TIME!" The spider behind them destroys the trees in his way, making them fly above them. "HE'S STILL FOLLOWING!" Red Son struggles to let out her warning, Mei turns to the entryway, "CAN'T YOU BLAST HIM AGAIN!?" "IT'S HARD WHEN YOUR CLOSE TO FALLING OFF SOMEONE'S SHOULDERS!" Despite the comment, Red Son attempted to fire again with his free hand. "EAT THIS BUFF BASTARD!" They missed, "Dammit! MEI SPEED UP!" "I'M TRYING!!"

Back on the ship...
"SANDY!" Sandy was all done fixing the ship when he saw Pigsy and Tang jump onboard with the pills they needed, "Pigsy! Tangy! You got the pills!" "Uh-huh! We also have spiders!" Tang points to a smaller spider running toward the ship, "They followed us here!" A memory replays in Sandy's mind, he remembered Mo finding a broken spider tracker and ignoring it. Whoops. "Oh." "Where are the others?!" "SANDY!!" Mei and Red Son yelled, still getting chased by their spider. Mei throws Red Son onto the ship and jumps on.

"Start the engines! It's time to go!" "What about MK?" Red Son overhears and looks around the ship, "MK! MK!" "SANDY!!!" (the third Sandy already-) The team sees MK getting chased by lion guardians, with the furnace chained to MK's lion mech, "START! THE! DRONE!" Sandy jumped into the ship's control panel, flipping switches, pushing buttons, and petting Mo, and with that, the ship begins to leave the deck. The small spider attempts to jump on but the bigger one pulls him back, "What are you doing? I could have made it."

"Aw, sure you could, buddy." Both spiders turn seeing MK's lion jump above both towards the ship, successfully landing. The ship immediately flies out of sight back to the Mortal Realm, leaving the goons behind. "The Queen ain't gonna be happy about this." The big one taps the small to gain his attention, behind them were the lion guardians rightfully furious. "Uh, nice monster doggy?" The nice doggies proceeded to pounce and attack both with little to no mercy.

Back in the Mortal Realm, the group returned to the skies to plan their attack. Sandy supervises the lion mech while the rest of the team observed the celestial supplies, "So uh, what now?" MK stepped back to think, "We find a place to lie low, make the antidote, and save everyone." He finishes with a flair in their voice. "Hehe! Where did all this enthusiasm come from." Red Son called next to Mei, "I got a new power!" Everyone froze, curious as to what it was. "The power..." Red Son gave an audible gasp in anticipation, "...of self-reflection." MK finished in a dramatic tone.

Everyone gives a simultaneous "Woah!" at the reveal, Red Son let out a disappointed sigh followed by a nervous laugh, he honestly thought they were serious, "Haha, good one." MK noticed Red Son's response and turned to them, "Dang Red, you sound disappointed" Red Son gave a more genuine laugh "Yeah, yeah." Mei chimes into the two's small talk, "So! Where we headed?" MK points out the cloudy layer beneath them, "Set a course...
for Flower Fruit Mountain!"

NEW CHAPTER!! Sorry if it looks low-key rushed, the pacing in this show is pretty fast anyway- See you all in the next chapter!

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