Chapter 2: Reunion

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"So, what do you guys think? Been saving it for a rainy day." The squad had safely escaped from the Spider Queen's goons on Sandy's new 'Team Dronecopter'. Mei looks over the edge, "Real cool, Sandy! It's awesome for taking in..." She pulls out her phone to take a picture, then remembers the chaos going on in the city, "the horrifying vistas." "Spider Queen captured Monkey King," MK told them, everyone began speaking simultaneously, "That's not possible!" "Yeah, her and this weird skeleton thing, she got him, and then I-I didn't even try to help. He lost and then -" Mei attempts to comfort him, "It's okay, MK. We got this. We can beat her -"

"She beat the Monkey King, Mei! We don't got this!" MK's outburst made everyone flinch, MK began to feel guilty, and he sat down with his back facing the others. "I'm sorry, I just - I don't what to do." Pigsy sits next to MK, "Kid, no one ever does. Not really." Mei sits on the other side, resting her hand on his shoulder, "But we're going to figure this out." "Together." Tang agrees behind them, "That's right, little man. Just as soon as we deal with that!!" Sandy points to a vehicle diving in their direction, "Incoming!" Everyone simultaneously screams as the vehicle gets closer. Sandy steps forward and blocks with one hand, destroying it completely and catching the passenger with one hand.

"Red Son!?" MK shouts behind Sandy. He could recognize their hair anywhere. Sandy drops Red Son, giving him a second to breathe, "RED SON!!" Before he knew it, Red Son was stuck in the middle of a tight group hug from the entire team. "I MISSED YOU!!" Mei felt such joy, despite tears streaking down her face. "I- miss you too, but... LET ME GO." Red Son felt oxygen leave his body, repeatedly tapping MK and Mei to let go. The hug broke as she again had to regain air. "Oh, my Gods! I haven't seen you in forever! You look so..." MK felt his heart skip a beat just looking at Red Son. They were different, in many ways, "A... Amazing! I love how that coat looks on you!" Red Son feels his face heat up, "Thank you..." "Wait, why are you here?" Mei butts in.

"OH, YEAH! MY FATHER! He's been kidnapped by the Spider Queen!" The team gasps in unison (Zang, they all are in sync)."I left before anyone caught me, but one of her goons must have struck my jet beforehand." MK responds with their own story, "Spider Queen took Monkey King as well. Luckily, no one else got caught." Red Son ponders for a bit. All those abductions must be for a reason. "It seems the Spider Queen is taking all the powerful demons to avoid problems. Or maybe an alternative reason..." MK replies with sudden determination, "Either way, we aren't waiting to find out." Red Son nods, "Actually, I have something that may help!" they reach inside her coat. He pulls out a vial filled with a lime green liquid, "The Spider Queen's venom."

"It's turned everyone into her slaves but I can make an antidote!" Mei runs in front of the group to talk directly, "You can do that!?" Red Son nods and gives a lofty smile, "Yes! I've been learning different types of inventing for the past few months!" His smile drops back into a firm frown, "But, we're going to need supplies. I was going to get them on my own, but..." Red Son looks back at their broken jet and side-eyes Sandy, who looks away, embarrassed, "Hehe, sorry kid." Red Son exhales, "It's fine. At least grabbing them will be easier." Pigsy raises a hand, "Quick q, where the hell are we going for this?" Red Son points up to the sky, "Well, the only place to get them is..." MK looks up with sparkles in his eyes, "*Gasp* Space."

Red Son face palms, "No, MK! The Celestial Realm." MK lets out a silent. "Oh." In response. Tang runs in front of Red Son's face, "The Celestial Realm?! The realm of heavenly deities and immortal beings?!" Pigsy tugs Tang's scarf to pull him back, Red Son replies in a muddled tone, "Uh, sure." MK scratches his head slightly, "How do we get the supplies? You're a demon. Wouldn't they try and punish you if you try?" Red Son pats MK's back, "We'll just do that "shopping tip," you taught me." MK nervously sweats, did he not tell them that Wukong taught them theft!? "Ha! I'm kidding, I know what theft is. At least now..." MK laughed, "Heh, okay, good." MK turns to the rest of the group, "Alright team, let's help a demon rob the Celestial Realm!"

Red Son had sparked a spell circle on the ship's deck, making sure no details were left out. As they admired their work, the team behind her observed, "So... how exactly does this work?" Tang asked while pulling out his book for notes, Red Son sighs, "Mystical interdimensional travel is a complicated business. If I tried to explain these demon practices, it'd just melt your brains." Tang places his book back in his pocket, taking their response as an "I don't know". "Ok, everything should be ready. Stand back!"

Red Son shoos the others away, they ready themself for preparation. Red Son begins the ritual, sparks ignite from the ship as a mystical portal appears in front of them. As the spell reaches climax, Tang calls another question from behind the remains of the jet. "Uh, are we sure mortals can travel to the Celestial Realm, yes?" Red Son sighs, "Yes, Tang. They can." She attempts to continue but this time, Pigsy comes in, "Safely?" Red Son shrugs, "Uh, probably." Everyone yells in unison, "PROBABLY!?" The jet launches into the portal, everyone gets pushed back by the portal's force as the jet travels at rapid speed.

Suddenly the speed and force stopped, and the team was huddled together, Red Son was still standing and facing everyone as if it was a summer breeze. "Told you it'd melt your brains." Red Son points to Sandy's mohawk that was on fire, Sandy taps the fire out and looks out to the edge. Everyone looks as Sandy points to the distance, there stood the Celestial Realm in all its glory. They were at the front of the Jade Emperor's palace, it was white and gold, with multiple towers, green areas, and plenty of Celestial supplies inside palace walls for them to snatch.

YAY! Chapter 2! We in the Celestial Realm now! Sorry for the small delay, I have school, but here it is. Now, see you all in the next chapter

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