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Scar woke up in a white-walled room surrounded by lots of healing equipment.At first he didn't recognise that room but soon he found out he was in the healing room in the Hermit Base.

He saw a familiar face jumped on the bed he was laying in and start staring at him.
It was Jellie.

When she saw that her owner had woken up, she greeted him with 'meow'.

After he greeted Jellie, he saw 3 more people in the room with him.

"He woked up! Can someone go for Xisuma?"

"I'll bring him."

Scar recognised the voices.
The first one belong to Stress and the other to Mumbo.
The last person that didn't say anything was Cub.


After Mumbo left the room, Scar decided to tried to stood up and sit on the bed.

"Scar! Careful!"-Stress yelled and Cub came to help him sit.

"Um.. sorry?"

"It's okay Stress is just to protective."

Scar couldn't understand what just happened but he decided to not get involved into the situation.

"I know you probably have a lot of questions but no worry we'll answer them when Mumbo will be back with Xisuma "- Cub said giving a warm smile to his friend.

To be honest Scar didn't have much questions maybe one or two.


Not long after whatever just happened,Mumbo came back with X.

"It's nice to see you finally awake."-the admin said as soon as he saw the hermit.

"Hello to you too X."

Xisuma smiled but after couple of seconds he's smile change to sad face.
"I wanted to say sorry...If I didn't t send you on the patrol,you wouldn't  be in this situation now."

"It's okay it was kind of my fault too."


"Oh! Right.
Scar we have some questions about what happened."

''Okay... But can I ask how long I was uh..here?"

"Three whole days..."The sound of Mumbo's sad voice filled the room.

''Mumbo?''Scar looked at his friend in worry.

"It's nothing... I'll go now..."And he did as he said.

"Anyway ...."

Scar couldn't concentrate at whatever the other people were saying.
He couldn't stand the sadness on Mumbo's face...
Last time he saw him like this was when they found out that...he... He'll never come back ...

Then Scar got another of his not very smarts ideas.


He'll get revenge for him and Mumbo.
He'll fight and destroy the Watchers.


"Umm... Yeah?"

"Were you listening?"


"Listen now. It's important."

"For next 3 weeks you'll stay in the base, no missions and patrols.

"X you can't ground me! I'm no a kid!"

"Scar It's for your own good ."


Fighting The Past | Hermitcraft Hero/Super Powers Au 1/2|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя