"Stop being a clown!" He cut me off and went into another round of hysterical laughter dripping with scorn.

"What were you thinking? I was falling in love with you? Oh no, poor girl! It is clear your loveless life is really affecting your brain and way of thinking. I just don't want you to die yet, not so easily and so quickly. No, I don't want that." He paused and gave me a wicked wink.

"What are you saying?!" I bawled, and he scoffed.

"Back to the real business, how could a 16-year-old girl kill her mother, who is possessed by a demon? Naturally, you can't even defeat your mother at that age with your wolf ability! Do you have secret powers?" He leaned forward and asked right into my face as if he were a cop interrogating me.

"I don't know. The powers just came." I replied bluntly. Sadness and anger were brimming and swelling up in my heart. Just when I thought my mate was about to treat me well, he just went back to being the lunatic and heartless man he was. 

I wouldn't have taken his words seriously if I hadn't seen his cold countenance, which was really heartbreaking. He made me feel like a real shit, and I felt more pained at his hurtful words than anyone else. He was my mate, and my heart, soul, and body craved his love and affection, but it seemed like I wasn't going to get that yet.

"The power just came, and you didn't use it to free yourself from your demon possessed mother. That is what a normal werewolf would do because she knows well that her mother was only possessed and isn't a real demon. But instead of freeing yourself and calling on the guards and others to take care of your mother so she would be exorcised, you went as far as murdering her not in a normal way, but in a gory and brutal way. Can you explain that?"

"I can't explain." My words rolled out as I hung my head low, thinking on his words. For real, he was right, but when that strange beast took over me, I was overwhelmed and wasn't in control of myself. It was thirsty and desired nothing else but to devour my mother for hurting me.

"You can't? Or you don't want to reveal the secrets of your fellow demons?" He snorted, and I felt a sharp sting in my heart, hearing him still call me a demon. 

"Please, stop. I have already been hurt enough for many years. I am leaving." I purred, my eyes brimmed with tears. 

"Ella, I really hate you." He huffed, and my eyes darted at his face as my eyes popped in shock.

"What?" I gasped, and he chuckled.

"Yes..." He sighed, and for the first time ever, he smiled. I saw him with my eyes. Those lips parted to display his gleaming white teeth, and his eyes, which were cold and dark, lit up.

That smile was the cutest my eyes had ever seen, and I felt my soul captured as I got hypnotized by how extremely handsome he was. No one has the right to be that handsome.

"You smiled?" I gasped again, gulping and gaping at him.

"I did?" He asked, still smiling, so I shyly looked away because it was so hard to look at his face now. I was blushing.

"Yes, you did. Does this mean... you didn't really mean... hate?" I beamed, feeling my heart race so fast that I was hardly breathing well.

"You made me smile again—not for the first time, but for the first time I couldn't control it in front of someone. "Ella." He called my name gently in a romantic, sonorous voice, blinking his wet eyes.

I was just gasping, stunned, and unable to speak because my head was blank and I just couldn't believe or understand what was going on.

"I didn't mean all those hurtful words, and I couldn't go on saying them because I was feeling your pain. Our hearts are entwined as mates. You are cursed, and so am I... At the end, we would be eaten up by it." He breathed and let out a sad laugh. 

My brows furrowed in confusion and fright at what he just said, but the excitement that swarmed my heart from accepting that we are mates was so overwhelming that I immediately forgot about the last sentence where he mentioned being cursed too and about us being eaten up by the curse.

"You just accepted me as your mate?" I screamed, leaping from the chair where I sat as I covered my mouth with my palms, tears springing down my eyes. My heart is racing and thumping hard inside my chest.

"Is it something to be all giddy about? It won't last long before everything comes to an end." He shrugged and let out a short laugh.

"Why will it come to an end? Will you reject me? And why?" I asked, terrified, blinking my already teary eyes.

He left his desk and walked over to me, smiling wryly as he held my hand. I felt sparks run up my spine when he touched me, and I could tell he felt the same way because I saw his eyes light up and his face brighten in a beam of smiles, but they quickly vanished and his eyes turned cold and dark as he stared sternly at me.

"You are very unlucky to be my mate. Have you thought of my reason for leaving my kingdom to come here? I will tell you. It is because I am cursed by the moon goddess, and for the past three years, I have slain every girl who has been my mate on every annual full moon." He confessed, letting out another laugh that brimmed with sheer sadness and guilt, while I cringed away from him in utter disbelief and shock.

I couldn't understand what he actually said, even when I clearly heard him.

"You do what?" I gasped, breathing shakily, while he giggled and equally backed away from me.

"I am sure you heard me right. Now leave my office. I have a lecture in the next few minutes in your class." He waved dismissively at me, and a silent sob slipped my lips as I took to my heels, running so fast with tears blinding my eyes.

Why me?

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