
This man is just so annoying and weird. I think I would be expecting another mate because this man here can't be the one for me to spend the rest of my life with.

With a suppressed hiss, I made my way to the exit gate, forcing myself to stop expecting him to call me back. I was just so confused, and my feelings were muddled. 

"Why did you hiss at me?" Someone growled behind my back just when I was about to cross the gate. My heart flipped in fright, and the sudden voice made me cringe so hard that I lost my balance.

I wasn't expecting him to be that close to me, let alone speak so suddenly without my hearing his approaching footsteps or noticing his presence around me. Before I made my way out, he was sitting on a bench quite far from me, so it was a great shock that made me fall.

I lost my balance but didn't land on the ground as I should have. Instead, I fell into someone's arms... Ah, I should call his name because there are just the two of us here.

My small and petite body was lying in his powerful arms, and that was so sweet. Oh, God, I felt so warm and nice, and when I opened my eyes to see him gazing into my face, it was like the world had ended.

His face was so close, and those charming eyes snatched my soul away from my body. His pink, plump lips were slightly apart, and I didn't know that could make someone's lips so much more seductive that it would be impossible to resist. I must be blushing very hard now, and I noticed he saw my red cheeks and furrowed his brows, so I had to cover my face.

I couldn't keep on looking at his face; it was too perfect to be real. This man looked like a god! I wish I could kiss him. I wish he would lift me off the ground and carry me in a bridal style while I wrap my hands around his neck as we both enter the heart of the garden and enjoy its beauty, chatting and laughing together.


What a romantic dream I slipped into. impossible wishes that could only happen in my dreams and imagination

"Answer me." He huffed and released his hand away from me instantly. I landed on the ground with my back straightaway, destroying all those wishes in a blink with the sharp pain that shot through my buttocks and elbows from the heavy crash on a rock.

My lips burst open as I screeched in pain, clutching my hand as hot tears burned my eyes and poured effortlessly.

"You don't dare to hiss at me, and between, where were you going to?" He inquired, a sneer on his face, as he stood like a tall wall beside me.

"I wasn't hissing at you, and in between, I was leaving as you saw me. What else am I doing here? The order was to show you the garden. You didn't talk to me or act like I was here with you, so I guessed my presence still irritates you!" I responded bluntly, rubbing my bum and struggling to sit up as the pain kept increasing.

"I didn't talk to you, and what kept you from talking so I would notice you were in here?" He snapped, folding his arms. I looked up at him and became so vexed at how unconcerned he was at my great fall.

"Can you just leave me? I am on the ground in pain, and you don't even care!!! Don't you feel my pains and sadness?!" I cried out, and was about to roll my eyes and look away when I noticed the first glint of compassion that flashed through his eyeballs.

"Do you need help to leave the ground?" He asked dryly, stretching out his palm for a lift. I gripped it and he pulled me up effortlessly, yet I ended up landing on his body from the force of his pull.

"I could swear you are lighter than a paper." He sighed and backed away from me.

"I swear you don't know how to handle ladies tenderly," I retorted with a wild laugh that made him frown.

"Why should I handle you tenderly?" He asked keenly. His eyes were squinting at me.

"Because I am your....." I smirked as I watched him growl with warning in his eyes.

"Don't you mention it!" He scowled, and I snickered.

"It's not like it would change anything. We both smelled it and..."

"I didn't smell anything!" He snapped and hissed loudly before sitting on the bench there.

"Even me too." I snapped back, hissing and sitting on the bench just as he did. My action made him stare at me in bewilderment.

"You don't have any idea the danger you are sliding into. Keep enjoying the ride till you end up in a lake of fire!" He seethed, and his menacing voice almost made me panic, but it was like all fear was gone. He stopped me from calling him my mate or mentioning it, but that doesn't mean we aren't mates!

"Will you reject me?" I threw out a question that had been bothering me since we first set eyes on each other.

I think it was the right time; he determines what fate we have together. It would hurt so much, it he ever rejected me. The pain would be very severe and break me into pieces, but I would gather myself, accept the rejection, and go my way as an abandoned soul who has no one that cares.

He didn't seem to hear me the first time, so I repeated myself louder.

"Will you reject me?" My voice cracked, and I could feel my heart thudding harshly inside my chest as he raised his gaze at me, his face cold like ice while his eyes turned really fierce.

"Get out!" He commanded, and I smiled. His brows furrowed in perplexity.

"You shouldn't be smiling. You are so unlucky!" He rasped, and just then three maids walked in announcing that his room was set.

He nodded and followed them. I attempted to trail behind him, but just as he got to where the garden guards were standing, he ordered them to bundle me away.

"You think I would save a slave like you from returning to duty post? Keep dreaming!" He snorted at me through the mind link and blocked it almost immediately before I could reply.

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