"That's amazing. Maybe you can sing for me some time?" Taylor asked. She seemed to be quite fond with Ally. Those two then began having their own conversation on the other side of the table.

"I really like Ally and Camila. They seem nice and less annoying than Lauren." Dinah finally spoke. Camila turned to Dinah and high fived her as both of them continued to laugh.

"I like Lolo. She's funny and pretty." We all turned to who said it, Sarah. I felt my cheeks turn bright red. Her cuteness was unable to be described with words.

The dinner continued on. Ally and Taylor talked. Camila and Dinah talked. My dad and Chris talked about sports. And my mom took her time talking to Sarah. She seemed to love her. Just like everyone else did.

Half way through dinner, we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I excused myself and made my way to the door. There standing was a lady in a business suit, she had a bundle of papers in her hands. "I'm here for Sarah." I nodded and walked back inside.

"Hey Sarah, its time for you to go. But we all had fun with you here." I said as I held her hand to help her off the chair. "I had fun too. Thank Lolo" She answered. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I picked her up. Individually everyone shouted by to her. And she responded to everyone one by one. When Camila said bye, Sarah's answer made everyone shocked, "Bye mommy!" I watched as Camila's cheeks turned red. However, she waved to Sarah.

After Sarah left, we continued to talk and get along with each other. But I know I have to eventually tell them about my decision to adopt Sarah. "I need to talk to everyone about something," I finally said, in a loud enough voice to get everyone's attention. Just as I was about to continue, I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get that. You can continue." Taylor said. I didn't plan on continuing without her. Everyone watched as she answered the door. But no one expected her reaction, "FUCK OFF!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. It caused me to run to the door and see who she was so mad at.

It was Austin.

I felt my blood boil at the sight of him holding flowers and chocolate. He looked at me and looked back at Taylor.
"Babe I'm sorry. I love you and you know that." He said. I got to admit he's good at acting.

"Didn't you say the exact same thing to Camila?" I shot back. He widened his eyes at me defending Taylor. Just as he was about to answer, it suddenly began pouring outside. My mom rushed to the door to see who it was, "as much as everyone wants to tell him off. It's gonna begin thunder storming by the looks of it. Austin I think you should go." He seemed to be caught off guard with my mom's words. He nodded and turned on his heel to walk down the driveway, but as soon as he reached the sidewalk, we heard thunder and saw lightning.

He ran back dropping the flowers in the driveway. By the time he got back to the door, he was on his knees. "Please let me stay until this settles down. I'm scared of thunderstorms." He pleaded. "Fine," I heard my mom say.

This night is gonna be a disaster.

Austin came in drying off. Chris gave him a shirt and Camila gave him death glares across the room. I walked over settling on the couch next to Camila. "I'm sorry about him being here." I whispered. She looked at me and gave me a sad smile, "its not your fault. I'm just glad Taylor realized how much of a dick he is." She had pure sincerity in her eyes.

Austin sat on the other couch by himself, as no one in my family wanted to be near him. Dinah and Ally were on my laptop online shopping. And Taylor locked herself in her room after my mom let Austin in.

"We can go to my room if you don't want to be here." I finally whispered back to Camila. Her facial features seem to relax after I offered. She nodded.

"Hey Dinah and Ally, I'm gonna be in my room with Camz if you need anything." I shouted. I led Camila up to my room, closing the door behind. She looked around at the trophies and medals around my walls and bookshelf. "You got quite the collection. Chess medal," She laughed as she picked up a medal and read it. The embarssment made me grab my pillow and throw it at her. She turned around and pouted, "hey!"

God she was so cute when she pouted.

"Can we talk?" She finally asked as she sat next to me on my bed. "Yeah of course. What's on your mind?"

"The kiss. If it meant something to both of us..." She stopped half way through her sentence and looked at me. I looked down at lips. I wanted to kiss them bad. That kiss meant the world to me.

Before I could ask her to continue, she cupped my cheeks and crashed our lips. I felt her soft lips brush against mine. But the moment didn't last forever, the door suddenly opened. But Camila didn't bother stopping.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" We jumped apart and saw Austin at my door with his jaw dropped. He seemed hurt. I felt a pain in my chest at the thought of hurting someone for my own selfish reasons.

"Why are you here?" I asked. He seemed to have calmed down, but his eyes stayed locked on the ground. "I wanted to apologize to you two. But I guess... I don't need to." He frowned then turned on his heel. We heard his footsteps disappear down the stairs.

I turned to look at Camila. But she was already staring at me with sad eyes. "I can't do this Camila. He looked hurt." I blurted. Her expression was unreadable. She just nodded and left my room.

I felt a tear escape my eye. I got up and slammed the door.

I'm falling for her.
But maybe Austin is too?

A/N: Uh oh, maybe Austin is a good guy after all? ;)

Thanks for the feedback. It's my priority to update this everyday. I love continuing this and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Love y'all.
Twitter - @/heyjaureguii

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