Chapter Three: Sektarkennd

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"Alright, you asked why did I leave Iceland after the funeral, do you remember the night when I was at Triss' house?"

"Yes, very much..."

"Alright, Triss had a half brother that was English, Triss then introduced me to him, we both fell in love, I then decided to move to him back to Mercia, turns out, he was royalty, after he passed away because of some sickness, I instantly got promoted as Queen to take his place."

"Well, that answers both of my questions..."

"Yes, I never intended for it to get out of hand so much..."

"Out of hand? What do you mean "out of hand?"

"Permanently moving to Mercia, because I was married to a royal man, it was my legal duty to stay in Mercia and serve my time as queen, if not, it was treason and they would have my head..."

"Ymir, you committed treason against Iceland..."

"Yeah well, no one was going for my head when I was leaving Iceland..."

"That's because no one knew! I thought you just disappeared and died! You left me nothing but guilt and sadness!"

"What... How?"

"How? Ymir, it's been so long, I only knew of your existence because of Diana in Denmark."

"So tell me, what happens when you pass away?"

"My son gets promoted as King..."

"No, you're fucking joking, not another suprise, you have a son!?"


"Please tell me you gave him a Norse name..."

"His name is James..."

"Of course his name is James..."

"It wasn't my choice Thorvald, his father chose it..."

"Where is this James?"

"He's asleep..."

"How old is he?"

"2 months old..."

"I kind of forgot Thorvald, so excuse me, but how old are you again?"

"15 and you?"


"Well, I think I've overstayed my welcome..." Thorvald replies.

"No, wait..."

"No, why are you trying to keep me here, I refuse to live amongst the devils..."

"I feel guilty Thorvald..."


"Because there's so many things I want to tell you but I just can't..."

"Then don't, simple..."

"Alright, fine, but what are you going to do after this?"

"Well, probably sail back to Iceland, regroup with my men and lay siege upon England..."


"Because that's how we live Ymir, plunder and war, it's great for us, plus some of the men can't get enough of fighting..."

"Let me ask you this Thorvald, what is your point in life?"

"Two things, to avenge mother and father and then have a happily ever family in Iceland with many riches to live with..."

"Avenge mother and father?" Ymir questioned.

"Yup, the local doctor at the time said that this was no ordinary natural cause, it was poisoning, so I've made it my life goal to figure out who poisoned our parents and live rich with my own little family in Iceland..."

"Alright, so be it, I hope we can meet again..."

Ymir then stuck her hand out for a handshake... Thorvald just turned around and walked out...

"Come on, we are leaving!" Thorvald shouts to Diana.

Diana then follows behind Thorvald to the longship...

"So how did it go?"

"Just as I expected, nothing happened, it was just pointless banter..."

"Huh, I thought you'd be so much happier to see her?"

"Why would I? She betrayed our country, so I have no remorse or feeling for her, I simply do not care about her nearly as much as I used to..."

"Well so be it I guess..." Diana said as they both boarded the longship...

"Back to Iceland are we Thor?"

"Yes captain."

The captain then set sail for Iceland...

4 days later...

"You're finally back!" Harald shouts.

"Haha, yes brother, I have returned!"

"So... How did it go?"

"We might have to invade Mercia lads!"

The men shout in joy because they haven't gone raiding in a long-long time...

Thorvald then walked back to his parents home, as he was walking back to his parents' home he held the necklace his father gave him, a necklace that had the Yr rune...

"Just remember, you must be stronger than me one day." He could hear his father's deep, rough voice...

A soft female hand then touched Thorvald's shoulder... He turned around super fast with his sword in his hand...

Thorvald then looked up and saw a beautiful medium height, blonde hair, blue eyed girl standing in front of him...

"I apologize, I'm just a little jumpy today..." As Thorvald said that he sheathed his sword.

"Thorvald was it?" The girl asks.

"Yes, and you are?"


"Nice to meet you Freyja..." Thorvald says as he's shaking her hand.

"Yeah, I was wondering if I could invite you over for dinner with my family?" Freyja asks calmly.

"Is this an excuse for a date or something?" Thorvald thinks to himself.

"Alright sure, I'd love to come and have dinner."

"Great, follow me then!"

Thorvald then followed Freyja to her home...

Freyja swung the door open, dragged Thorvald inside and slammed the door close, she dragged his face closer to her mouth... And that's how Thorvald lost his first kiss, by following a random beautiful girl home...

1 day later...

"Thorvald! You are hereby under arrest by the Royal Guard!" An Englishmen shouts.

Thorvald opened his eyes and saw the girl he kissed bleeding from the neck at the doorway and the house half burnt away...

"You fucking Englishmen! I'll kill you all-"

The sound of a crossbow was heard briefly, just as Thorvald heard the crossbow he realized an arrow struck him right in his left peck... He fell to the floor... The sound around him started to get muted... He could hear nothing but fainted screams and fire crackling as he lay on the floor reaching his hand out to the girl at the doorway...

"That was quite disrespectful of you to leave so abruptly Thorvald..." Ymir says to Thorvald as he could barely hear her.

"You... Will... Pay... For... This..."

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