Chapter Two: Styrkur

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7 years later... The year is 855...

"I must say Thorvald, it's pretty impressive..." Bjork says as they're sailing to Denmark...

"Huh, what's impressive?" Thorvald asks...

"The way you almost immediately moved on when your parents passed..."

"I guess..."

"Full sails boys, the wind's in our favor!" The captain that was controlling the longship shouted...

"Now that I think about it, don't you have a sister Thor?" Harald asks.

"Yeah, but I haven't seen her since the funeral, we kind of split our ways, she became a married woman to some Englishmen in The Kingdom of Mercia and I became a viking..."

"What- Your sister is dating an Englishmen?" Harald asks, stunned.

"Yup, don't worry, I'm disappointed as well, but before she took the ship to Wessex I asked her "Ymir, why are you moving to Wessex?" she then basically told me that there is no future for Iceland, that the land is nice and fertile in Wessex, so I basically just hated her from that point on..."

"Why hate her?" Bjork asks.

"Simple, she likes Englishmen, I don't..."

"Fair enough..." Bjork replies...

14 hours later...

"Alright boys! Wake up! Welcome to Denmark!" The commander shouts in excitement.

"I hear the women and beer are nice here this time of year!" Sigmund shouts as he steps off the ship...

Thorvald then steps off the ship and walks around the local town center...

"You look lost boy!" A girl shouts to Thorvald.

Thorvald quickly turned his head to the girl and walked over to her...

"Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Thor, and yours?"


"Well nice to meet you Diana, why did you say I look lost?"

"Because you do..." Diana replies...

"Well, I was actually headed for the forge just down that way." Thorvald says and points to the local forge.

"Ugh, follow me..."


The woman then grabs Thorvald's hand and starts sprinting to a secluded location...

"Alright calm down! Why are we in an alleyway?" Thorvald asks, annoyed...

"I need to ask you something..."

"Go ahead."

"Is it true that you're the brother of Ymir?"

"Ymir who?" Thorvald asks.

"Ymir Hansen..."

"Uh, yes, I am her brother, Thorvald Hansen..."

"Why is it that you're looking for me exactly?" Thorvald asks.

"Well, let's just say, we've been keeping an eye on you lately?"


"Yeah, there's an inside man you were sailing with the whole time, he's my brother and your sister, Ymir, is friends with me and she wants me to keep tabs on you..."

"Why couldn't my sister just come and see for herself and meet with me, why does she have friends doing her jobs for her?" Thorvald questions.

"Yeah, the reason behind that is because..."

Norse NadirTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon