Chapter Two: Styrkur

Start from the beginning

"Because what?" Thorvald asks.

"Because your sister is the Queen of Mercia..."

"...You're joking right?" Thorvald asks worriedly.

"Why would I joke about something like this Thorvald?"

"Good point, anyway, what's the big deal with it anyways?"

"Well, the big news is that... Your sister invited you to Mercia..."

"Fuck off, I'm not going..." Thorvald then turned around...

"Don't be so arrogant! Your sister just wants to see you..."

"Why would I want to see a traitor..."

"Traitor? Your sister is no traitor?"

"First she moves to Mercia, then marries an Englishmen then all of sudden she's the queen as well? Fuck off, that's called betrayal, if anything, I should challenge my sister to a duel..."

"Alright-alright, I know this looks really bad, but just hear me out, you don't even have to speak to her, just show up at least..."

"And if I don't?"

"She's obligated to execute me..."

"...Wow... Fine-"

"Yes! Yay!" Diana shouts in excitement.

"I'm only doing this for you though..."

Diana then gave Thorvald a big hug...

"So then, how do I get to Wessex?" Thorvald asks.

"Well, first, you will stay here in Denmark for 3 days, then me, you and a private ship commander will sail us to Wessex. Once we arrive at the docks, there will be a royal carriage which will escort us to your sister's palace..." Diana explains.

"Alright, so be it then I guess..."

Thorvald then followed Diana back to her home in Denmark...

"What a nice place you've got here." Thorvald comments.

"Yup, life's pretty nice when you're a noble for someone..."

"Uh-huh, I can see that..."

"So, tell me Thor, what's it like?"

"What's what like?"

"Being a viking."

"Oh, well, for starters, it's really exhausting, majority of the work sometimes is just sailing but then the rest is just raiding, killing and raping, of course, I don't rape though..."

"Why not?" Diana asks.

"Excuse me, why not? Well, number one, I would never put my shaft near any English girl and then secondly, it is immoral to have intercourse with someone you don't actually love..." Thorvald explains.

"Hmm, you sound like a Christian Thorvald."

"Well, if that is the way of the Christian's, then I'm Christian I guess..."

"Huh, well, just don't go saying that around the others..."

"Of course I won't, I know these men are not in the likeness of the fellow Christians..."

"Well, that brings me to my second point, how could you just easily claim that you're a Christian so easily?" Diana asks.

"I didn't, I don't have a religion or believe in any faith for that matter..."

"Why?" Diana asks.

"My parents' passing made me think otherwise, and also the way I perceive things..."

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