

But he didn't feel anything. Just a whoosh of wind... followed by the sound of torn skin.

    Click reopened his eyes; the Ultimasaurus had doubled back in pain, roaring into the stars as blood poured out of his right eye. Moreso, what was left of it; where a white ball once sat now sealed away by two eyelids and one fresh river of red. Confused, Click shifted his body upright to get a better look at his assailant's injury, until a strange white blur zipped past him and pounced into Red's snout. The two creatures wrestled about; Red's feet danced around in frantic confusion until, finally, a claw snagged the small shape off his muzzle and back to the ground where it crashed.

The blur became a shape.

A shape became a saurian body. Click's stomach lurched.

"Oh no... "


"I'm going to slit your throat for what you did!" I roared before lunging into Red's blind side. I unfurled my claws and stabbed deep beneath his armored flesh, enough to feel the blood pool around my talons. My fangs follows, burying themselves and latching hold to my new target.

Rrrr... I tore into him like a human looking for treasure... before Red's claws found me. Gripping tight around my waving tail, he ripped me clean off his shoulder and right into the ground -- Ow! -- where I rolled to a stop. I shook my head in reflex and groaned -- that hurt more than I thought.

"Well, well..." Red hissed angrily, drawing a bloodied claw from his torn eye, "another misguided project is here to ruin me."

I blinked out of my daze, rolling from the ground to reface the massive theropod. Despite my growls and snarls, my courage sank faster than a rock in the ocean. I completely misjudged how terrifyingly massive this hybrid was, and how intimidating. His bulk, his stature, his hideous red 'eye' and morbid fangs. Even from the ground, I feared fighting him further... but it was already too late to stop it.

"No," Click suddenly cried out. "Seven... g-get out of here!"

"Seven..." Red's tongue flickered playfully at the name, lashing his club-tail from behind. "Ah... you're the pet wrench that turned Indy's gears! Oiling up some... cowardice, beneath her gizzard. I recognize the smell, indoraptor. It has stained my snout ever since I gutted her."

"RAGH!" I charged in again -- I didn't know where, I just chose the nearest pound of flesh to slice. I dodged a swing from his talons and bounded to his hip to sink my claws into. The red hybrid bellowed in pain, neither claws nor fangs close enough to reach me. I clawed and chewed as much as an indoraptor could, slicing his bloodied scales and tearing into his flesh until a sudden foot stomp jolted me clean off his side. Once more, I landed on my side with a hard grunt, but he was faster; a quick swing of his claws struck my poor body sideways, slamming me into the ground. His right claws followed, batting my body head-over-heels, and onto my stomach. The world went dim for a moment, fresh blood beginning to drool from my shredded back. I started to raise up, but not before his foot suddenly stomped on my tail, breaking the bone, and trapping me beneath his shadow.

"Agh! Let-"

"Shut up!" He snapped his maw at me, then rumbled as he drew near. "Shh..."

I cried weakly, trying to kick away -- I couldn't move. So I snarled and slashed in warning to the larger predator. Still no use. Even as I faced my opponent, my emotions were welling over like a waterfall, forcing fresh tears to trickle down my snout in lieu of it all. Red looked me over as I struggled, digging his toe-claws into my back.

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