He rounded through each hall, retracing his steps from earlier until he finally broke through the doorway to Autumn's room. The white blanket was still placed over her body. And she was still... so deathly still.

Henry's tears broke even before he could process anything. He whimpered and choked on it, fingers rattling against the needle knowing what he had to do. For a brief moment Wu glanced out the window of the door, ensuring nobody was watching, then walked to Autumn's side. The hand holding the needle rested to her forehead, feeling the cold, lifeless skin through the blanket that concealed it. Henry sniveled, hard, his other hand slowly drawing toward her limp arm dangling from the side.

"Forgive me," he whispered.


Click's eyes widened.

"What all creatures lack..." Wu went on, a finger lowering toward the inner bend of his arm, "is free will. We desire to be more than what they are -- that is what our society has driven us toward. No animal can mimic that, they are restricted to life's needs: eating, drinking, sleeping, fighting, copulating. But to satisfy the needs of Jurassic World and INGEN: to make something scary enough to militarize but smart enough to think, I... had to take an extreme measure. So I gave them an extra gift."

He lifted his arm, showing Click the many cuts and bumps on his arm; scars from fresh needles that prodded at his flesh. Already did the trainer fall for a loss of words, too stunned to speak, and too horrified to believe it.

"After I lost Autumn, I started running tests for Biosyn's next line of weapons," said Wu, hiding it away again. "We had... taken the original indoraptor from Lockwood's Mansion as a basis; authorities left it for us to scavenge since our Indominus DNA was crushed in the stampede. Thanks to Mills." Wu clicked his tongue. "We kept the indoraptor in cryostasis... neither dead nor alive. But the key ingredient to every monster is his maker, and so I... reluctantly..."

He shook his head.

"Forcefully... is the right word. I forcefully drew some of my DNA to feed the next of kin. Twelve fresh indoraptors... newly improved hunters for the modern man. But that same DNA in the Indominus Rex and the Indoraptor was hidden in them -- they carried on my hubris. I feared what happened at Lockwood would happen again. So, whether by madness or by grief... eight of those twelve indoraptors were given a different DNA to test."

Click's jaws slackened. "Autumn."


Wu pushed the needle into Autumn's vein, coldly watched the motionless blood flood into the vial. His eyes lifted an inch to gaze at her covered face, then darted down; another tremor rocked through his soul. He couldn't bear to look again. Shuddering an extra breath away, he waited for the vial to fill before pulling away, wiping her arm off any excess blood, and lowering it back to the table. He let another second pass by, gripping the crimson needle by the palm of his sweaty hands, eyes staring off into the distance. Wu took one step away. Paused. Then another. Before the tears could break again, he shoved through the back door, sprinting toward the entrance.

And vanished into the night.


"Varied amounts," continued Wu, watching the horror rise in Click's eyes. "The DNA took on different personalities, different actions, often new visual appearances in each of the eight. Seven... was given the biggest dosage, more human than raptor. But the other four creatures that turned were the ones with my DNA. Two became stillborns, a third died mid-life. And the fourth... killed the rest of them."

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