"That may have been the case before, but you're good enough now," she says with an encouraging smile.

You nod at him. "I agree. You've made great strides since Pyrrha and I started training you. It's night and day compared to the entrance exam. Soon enough, you'll be more than ready for the Vytal Tournament."

Weiss huffs a bit. "While I don't condone your actions, I must admit that you have earned your place here as one of our colleagues. But don't you dare start slacking, or else I won't forgive you!" She scolds, earning a nervous laugh from the boy.

"If it makes you feel any better, I falsified my transcripts too," Blake admits, rubbing her neck.

"Wait, really?" He asks, surprised.

"Yeah, which I guess makes it my turn." Blake tells the group everything she told you and her team, about her life in the White Fang, and the story of how she left. "After the train made it to Vale, I found an info broker who set me up with fake schooling and graduation documents. As far as this place is concerned, I graduated from a place called Waypoint Acadamy outside of Vale."

"Hey, that's where I graduated from!" Nathan says with a smirk. "It's right on the edge of the city."

"Huh, small world," she giggles.

"Wait, so what kind of Faunus are you?" Nora questions.

"I'm a cat Faunus," she explains. "I hide my ears under my bow."

The ginger girl leans forward. "Can we see them? Please?"

Blake sighs. "Yeah, you can see them. But no touching," she squints at her, untying her bow. Her black cat ears twitch, finally free.

"Aww! They're so cute! Nate, why don't you have any cute animal parts?" She pouts at him.

"Why would I want them?" He says with a tilt of his head. "How many spiders have you seen that were cute??"

"I can think of one," Yang winks at him, causing her sister to groan.

"Anna, your turn!" She insists, wanting to quickly change the subject.

The blonde girl shrugs. "I'm afraid my backstory is pretty boring. Both my parents were former Hunters, and I wanted to grow up to be just like them. The only reason I applied to Beacon and not Haven was that I wanted to see more of the world outside of just Mistal. Meet new people, go to new places. And that's pretty much it. No scheming family members, no troubled past. Hell, not even a jilted lover. Honestly, the whole reason I put on a mysterious vibe was to seem cooler," she admits with a small blush.

You put a hand on your partner's shoulder, smiling at her. "Hey, as far as we're concerned you're super cool Anna. Don't let anyone tell you any different."

She smiles back at you. "Thanks, partner. You're pretty cool yourself."

"Yeah Anna!" Yang exclaims, putting her arm around the fellow blonde. "When you're friends with us it automatically makes you cooler."

Anna giggles at that, pushing Yang off her. "Now, if you really want to talk about mysterious..." She trails off, looking at Nathan, seeming to want to take the attention off her. The redhead stops mid-sip of his soda, noticing you all looking at him.


"Yeah, I've been wondering something since last week," Ruby says, plopping next to him. "Why did Roman act like he knew you? He called you 'Webby'."

There's a brief moment of silence, then Nathan sighs, setting his soda down. "I was really hoping you hadn't noticed that..."

"Nathan, you can trust us," Luna encourages him, squeezing his arm.

Allied with Giants [RWBY x Male Titan Pilot Reader]Where stories live. Discover now