Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"China, long time no see" Sofia says with a smile.

I haven't spoken to her in years..

"Hey" I smile

She pulls me into a hug.

"It's really good to see you, I think it's time we let bygones be bygones" Sofia says letting me know that we should let go of the past.

"It's good to see you too, maybe we can get together for a drink sometime" I tell her.

She smiles "That would be great"


DJ's team won by six points.

I watch as Dj and Bj dap each other up aggressively in happiness causing me to laugh.

"The Tigers on a winning spree" A familiar voice speaks, startling me.

I look, seeing James.

"What are you doing here?" I ask shocked to see him at the game since his son plays for the Manatees and they're not playing today..

"My son wanted to come see the Tigers lose" James says while pointing at his son causing me to laugh..

"Looks like y'all made a blank trip" I tell him.

He nods "I got to see you again so maybe the trip wasn't blank"

I smile.

"Mama, I'm going out with the team to celebrate!" Dj yells getting my attention.

I nod "Okay, see you at home" I give him a thumbs up.

He smiles before jogging into the locker room..

I put my attention back on James.

"China!" Red calls out, getting my attention.

He's standing with Monet in their matching gucci outfits..

"Let me talk to you right quick" Red says motioning me over to him.

I look at James.

"Go head, I'm gone call you" James tells me while moving his dreads from his face..

I nod "Okay" I walk down the bleachers towards Red and Monet.

"Go to the car, let me talk to her right quick" Red tells Monet, handing her a set of Keys.

"Why I got to go to the car?" Monet questions.

"Monet" Red says sternly.

She sighs before slowly walking away.

"What's up?" I ask Red confused as he starts to walk behind the bleachers..

I follow him.

He instantly grabs my neck, causing my head to hit the wall.

"Red" I semi yell, trying to remove his hand from my neck.

"Bitch you invited that nigga to my son game?" Red questions me with fury in his eyes, referring to James..

"No, his son wanted to see the Tigers lose because they beat his team. Now stop before someone sees you" I answer frantically.

He looks around before releasing my neck..

"You bring Monet to every game, yall wearing matching outfits and everything" I tell Red while crossing my arms.

"You never said you had a problem with her coming to Dj games, I'm telling you I got a problem with you bringing niggas" Red tells me while adjusting the big cuban link chain around his neck.

"I didn't bring any niggas" I tell him.

He nods "Let's keep it that way"

He places a kiss on my lips before walking away, leaving my pussy wet...


Walking into my house, I instantly walk upstairs to check on Dani.

"Dani?" I call out.

I hear weird noises as I get closer to her door.

"Dani?" I speak again while twisting the nob.

Opening her room door, I see Dani and some dark skin boy having sex causing me to instantly slam the door shut.

"Oh my god" Dani yells sounding embarrassed.

"Who was that?" The boy asks.

"My stepmom" Dani replies.

I walk downstairs, not knowing what to do...

A few minutes later Dani walks downstairs with the boy behind her.

I wish I could unsee what I saw..

"China this is my boyfriend Armon" Dani tells me.

"We've been dating for two years" Dani continues.

I tuck my lips "Hey Armon" I wave.

He waves "Hi"

"I'll call you later, thanks for coming to see me" Dani tells him.

He pulls her into a hug "I'm gone come whenever you call, I love you" Armon tells her.

She nods as they hug tightly.

Pulling back from the hug, Armon walks towards the front door and leaves the house.

Dani looks at me nervously "I'm literally almost eighteen, please don't tell my dad"


◾ Updating asap! Thanks for reading XOXO 🖤

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