
Start from the beginning

I looked at him for a moment, nodding.

"Where- Where is he?" I asked, walking around the sofa. "Second floor with some lady with white and rainbow hair." He replied. I nodded.

I went to leave, but was stopped when I heard Quackity speak again.

"Yeah, you probably should go. Wouldn't want your kid's dad to leave him, too." He said. I stopped in my tracks, turning to face him again. "What that fuck did you just say?" I asked. "Do I have to repeat myself?" He asked.

"Do...Do you know why I was living with you?" I asked. "Because your parents left you, right? That's what I remember. Moved away or something." He said.

I got a sick pit in my stomach, covering my mouth as tears came to my eyes.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!" Techno yelled at Quackity. "What? I didn't do anything! That's what happened, right?" "No, it- that's not what happened you idiot!" Techno shook his head, scoffing.

The room was a blur from my tear filled eyes. I backed up, stopping when I hit a table. I gripped the edge of the table in my hands, staring at the floor.

I could hear their yells, see their bodies, feel their blood. I rubbed my hands on my shirt, trying to get the feeling off of them. But it was there, and it wasn't leaving. I noticed the tears flowing down my face now.

I felt someone grab my arm. I tried pulling my arm away, but they held tighter. I felt myself being lowered to the floor, comforting arms around me. I noticed pink hair in the persons shoulder. That could only be Techno.

"T-They're gone. I-I can see them, Techno. I can-" I swallowed thickly, "I-I can hear them. They're there. They- They..." I stopped talking, just crying. Techno rocked us, rubbing circles on my back that were oddly calming. In just a minute, my crying had subsided, and my head pounded.

"I feel covered in their blood." I whispered. "I know you do, I know. Just stop thinking about it. Think of all the good things. Remember that time when we went out for ice cream and Fundy shoved my cone into my nose? Remember that? That's was so fun, wasn't it? And remember when you were accepted to adopt Fundy? Or when Fundy called you 'papa' for the first time instead of your actual name? All the good times, just the good times." He whispered. I laughed through my tears. "I forgot about when he did that to you." I laughed, wiping my eyes. "I could smell ice cream for the rest of the day." He said.

I smiled, the memory on the top of my mind.

"Papa, what's wrong..?" I heard Fundy say in a small voice. I looked up, seeing him holding onto the doorway to stand. I sat up more straight, wiping my face. "Hey, buddy, what're you doing here? How'd you get in here?" I asked. "Found a way. Why are you crying?" "I'm not...I'm not crying, buddy." I gave him a smile. "Yes you are." He replied.

I exhaled.

"Papa is just thinking about something sad." I said. "What're you thinking about?" He asked. "Can I help?" "No. No, Fundy, there isn't anything anybody can do." I smiled at his oblivious offer. He nodded slightly.

"Does...Does papa need a hug?"

I smiled sadly at his words. I stood up, walking his way. I got down on my knee in front of him.

"Papa would love a hug." I said. Fundy put his small arms around my neck, using my body to stand up straight. My arms went around him, and we sat like that for god knows how long in silence.

After a bit longer, I felt Fundy go limp, small snores coming from him. I stood back up, picking him up with me. He's eleven, but he's small. Short as well as skinny. Very easy to pick up.

"He's asleep." I said, clearing my throat. I went over, lying him down on the sofa and then sitting next to him. I didn't look at anyone.

"I...I had no idea...I'm so sorry. I thought- I thought they had just left." Quackity said. "I used to know what happened. You choose to remember things, you choose to forget others. Just like how you forgot my name." I said calmly, tired from my recent sobbing spell. "I didn't...I didn't forget your name." Quackity said nervously. "Then what is it? Phil said it earlier."

Quackity remained silent.

"My point stands." I sighed, slumping back onto the sofa. I found myself messing with the necklace around my neck, occasionally holding the cold chain against my lips until it became warm.

"I should probably go. You've probably seen enough of me today." Quackity said. "Don't you live here?" I asked. "Well, yes, but I do have an actual home elsewhere." I laughed under my breath. "Rich bastard." I shook my head with an annoyed smile. He exhaled.

"Please, sleep wherever you like. Don't let my 'bipolar' breakdown scare you off." I rolled my eyes with a sarcastic laugh. "I- No. I'm sorry for saying that. I shouldn't have called you that." He replied. I shrugged.

"Really, though, if you wanna stay here, stay. As long as we're not sleeping in the same bed, I don't have a shit." I laughed. I saw a short smile peak onto his face.

More silence passed, and before I knew it, my vision was going black, and I passed out into a dreamless sleep.

Words: 1,615

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