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TW// cussing, fighting/arguing, crying, panic attack, blood mentions, parental death mentions, drugs mentions
I think that's all?

Wilbur's POV

A few minutes passed, and I kept looking up to see Quackity staring at me. When our eyes met, he would look away, but then I could feel him looking at me again just a few moments later after I looked away. It was making me hella uncomfortable, because I knew he was thinking poorly of me.

He doesn't deserve to think bad of me. He's the one in the wrong here. I'm not the one who abandoned him.

"You ok, Wilbur? You look a little...uncomfortable." Phil said. I nodded. "I'm fine." I said. "You sure?" "Yes, I'm sure."

I turned my head to look out of a nearby window, sighing.

Now, more pairs of eyes were on me. I could feel them burning into me. I found myself chewing at my nails, a habit I started a few years ago.

"Are you sure you're ok? You-" I cut Phil off. "I'm perfectly fine! God, do you have to treat me like a child every damn second? I'm twenty, and perfectly capable on my own, you don't have to constantly ask me how I'm doing! I'm- I'm fine by myself!" I snapped.

I didn't really mean to snap. I just tend to get agitated quickly sometimes.

I heard a dry laugh. I looked over, recognizing the laugh to be from Quackity.

"What the fuck is funny, prick?" I asked. "Oh, nothing, just that you seem so dead set on being ok on your own, when you're clearly not." He replied. "And why's that?"

He gave me a look.

"We lived together for a good amount of time. I know you're not capable on your own. You'd be dead if I didn't give you shelter." He said.

"Techno, take my son out of this room so he doesn't see me do something I shouldn't to this asshole." I said. "Wilbur, don't-" "Take him, Technoblade. I'll contain myself the best I can, but I have years of repressed anger towards this man." I said.

Techno looked at me for a moment before scooping up a slightly scared looking Fundy, and leaving the room.

I took a deep breath, trying to cool myself.

"How about instead of killing each other, we just talk about why the hell you two are so negative to each other." Phil said. "Phil, I could go on for hours about this man. Unless you want to get no sleep tonight, you should shut up." I said.

"Don't even, man. I gave you shelter when nobody else would. I was there when nobody else was. I left for a reason." He said. "You left when I needed you the most!" I scoffed. "Because your were a goddamn pothead! All you did was lay around and do drugs! I knew what I was doing with my life, and I wasn't gonna let you fuck that up!" He said, standing, so I stood as well.

"I did that to forget. You know what I was going through, Alex. When I was high, I didn't remember any of it! That's why I stayed high. Maybe if you had helped me, and not left, everything would be ok right now." I said. "No, actually, I don't know what you were going through. I guess it must have been hard, but you could have gotten your shit together on your own."

I pinched the brim of my nose, holding my breath to refrain myself from saying so many bad things to him.

Then Techno walked back in by himself. I assumed Fundy was in good hands at the moment.

"Wilbur, come here." Techno said. "What? No." I replied. "Wilbur." "I'm fine, Technoblade. Why should I go to you? I'm in the middle of something." I said. "Because your son is scared, Wilbur. He thinks your gonna get in a fight with a hero and get sent away. He needs you right now, Wil. Go to him."

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