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TW// cussing, being sick, explosion, crying, restraining, talk of death, irregular heartbeat
I think that's it?

Techno's POV
a few weeks later

I was sitting at my home by myself. My house was small, only having four small rooms, but I didn't need much. I had a small bedroom, a small restroom, a small kitchen, and a small sitting room. It didn't bother me that my house was small, I liked it. It was cozy. Plus, heroes are less likely to blow a hole in the wall of a small house so they don't actually blow up the entire thing.

My phone began to ring, showing Wilbur's contact.

"What's up?" I asked as I answered. "Hey, man, Fundy's sick, and I was wondering if you'd go to the shops with me to pick up some medicine. I'm not in the mood to get arrested at the moment." Wilbur replied. "Oh, yeah! Of course! I'll be there in fifteen." I said. "Alright, thanks."

He then hung up.

I got up and put on my shoes, locking the door as I left. I walked down the street for a while until I arrived at the lab/house. Wilbur was waiting for me on the front porch, and then the two of us headed out to town.

Time skip

Wilbur wore a mask over his nose and mouth to be less recognizable, but I didn't cover up. I've been within two feet of the number one hero, he'll know it's me no matter what. Mainly because of my pink hair.

Wilbur and I looked around for a medicine that matched Fundy's symptoms. We settled on some liquid cold medicine and I went up to the counter and bought it for him.

When we left the shop to head back to his home, we noticed a helicopter flying in that direction.

"That doesn't seem right." Wilbur said. I stayed quiet.

There was a lot of people around doing their own thing and a few looked at me, probably recognizing me from being the guy that the heroes knocked out a few weeks ago.

I heard wind flapping from behind Wilbur and I, right before someone landed directly next to me.

"Jesus!" I yelped, jumping to the side. I saw the person to be Crow; out of breath and nervous looking. I pushed Wilbur behind me to protect him. Everyone looked our way now, probably wonder why the number one hero was out of breath and not arresting two criminals.

"You two aren't headed back to your lab, are you?" Crow asked. "We are...why?" I replied. "Gods, don't go. There's a helicopter and a news crew and a small hero group on their way there right now, I'm trying to save your asses even though I'm technically not supposed to." He said.

"W-Wait, what are you talking about?" Wilbur asked, pushing out from behind me. "You must be Soot; the man, the myth, and the legend?" Crow asked. "Yes, I am! Now what the fuck do you mean?!"

"There's a small group of heroes. They call themselves the Dream Team. They heard about you and they're on their way there to shut your place down or something. They've been trying to one-up me for years and they think this is how they're gonna do it." Crow said.

"And...And what are they gonna do?" Wilbur asked. Crow exhaled. "Probably blow some of it up."

Wilbur looked at me, wide-eyed.

"Oh my god...Fundy." He said to himself, sprinting in the direction of the lab. "What's a Fundy? Where is he going? Is he trying to get himself killed?!" Crow asked.

I looked at Crow for a moment.

"Oh...Fundy is..." He trailed off. "Yeah." I replied.

I then booked it in the direction Wilbur was going, back towards the lab, his home. I caught up to Wilbur as I'm a bit faster than him and Crow flew slightly ahead of us.

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