30 - morning

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Michael lit his cigarette, holding it in his mouth as he covered the flames with his hands to prevent the dull flame from going out as people walked past. Time had passed, and the place was practically cleared out, leaving me and Michael mostly alone. Besides the staff, there were only two waitresses who darted around, being happy and friendly. I never saw my mother so focused on doing anything besides watching Fritz. That boy made her smile and try to be active; she chased after him before bed because he wanted to stay up with her and me.

How did we manage to have a house for so long? I knew we weren't as well off as most, but I only thought we were comfortable with no struggles. Why didn't she tell her father's family about his condition? They would be more than willing to help and deal with the medical shitstorm.

"You seem distracted." Michael spoke up, blowing smoke away from me. "Wanna talk about it?"

"I'm just thinking." I drank my can of coke, with my hand holding up my hair.

"About?" He poked my check.

"Why would someone not tell someone something so important?" I sighed.

Michael thought for a moment, patting the burned ash of his cigarette into the ash tray. "Shame, fear. worried that others think, worried that one might lose the other if they say Why? Did someone say something?" He got a little defensive. "People tend to not say anything about anything important when it protects the person being hurt."

"alright." I left it be. Maybe there was some reasoning behind it.

"You aren't crying about it, meaning it's not about anything that has happened." Michael seemed to be trying to dance around what he was on about while trying to hint at what he meant without giving any details relating to the subject, which lost me. I didn't know what he was hiding, but I don't think I should know. It was something stupid, knowing him.

"I'm curious who you're keeping things from." I smiled.

"Um, curiosity gets people killed." "Somethings can't be said."

"Alright." I rolled my eyes, leaning back into the chair and yawning.

"Tired? "Or am I boring you?"

"You? boring? I wish." I chuckled. "I haven't laughed so much in ages." "It's like midnight and I'm worn out from the fun."

"I'm glad you have enjoyed yourself."

"Thank you for inviting me out." I held his hand softly, looking at him with the softest smile a tired person could make. "I wish things were different, like once the date is over, I have to put up with life."

"Life is life and we live on."

"Together." I grabbed his hand looking
at him waiting for him to say it, with genuine smile and eyes sparkling with hope.

"Next week, wanna go to the arcade?" He smiled.

"Oh. Yes!" Despite it not happening, I kept on staying the same.

"Then a week later, you can take me out, and then me. Until you have to leave." That was better than my Stupid together, even if it was short I'd get to be with him and treat him.

"I would love that. Time to one-up you on this." I giggled excitedly, knowing that I couldn't possibly beat whatever he planned. I'd have to come up with something special.

"Don't think to hard one what happens, wasting time one perfection isn't worth the time wasted not having complete fun." Michael finished his cigarette, putting it out against the glass of the ash tray.

We stood up together, leaving together with my arm sliding around his as I felt so lucky and special. I wanted him to stay around.

We walked outside, and the warm, near-summer air gently tingled around me as Michael held me close to him. His arm was around my waist, and his other hand was digging through his jacket for his car keys.

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