19 - Babysitting - hitting feelings

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I laid with Sammy and Fritz tucked in close to me, humming them to sleep with my arms around them. As they snuggled into me, sleeping with pleasant dreams and warm looks of cosiness on their faces.

I lay there, in a tearful state. Sniffling and breathing heavily, knowing I messed up everything with Michael and I partly cared. I took in his harsh words, rattling my thoughts in my mind as if his words were correct.

I believed he liked me with all of the kisses we have done and how much we hung out together and slept in the same bed. We had no issues when He stayed at mine for a week. No problems. These moments felt great, we laughed, joked, relaxed with music playing and chatted about anything and everything.

I was terrified for an hour and a half and it's my fault. I got Sammy hurt and he'll tell Henry about tonight and I'll lose my mother a friend and I'll become useless. So nobody would care if I just disappeared. Michael can say whatever he likes, I don't care about what he has to say. He was correct but still. It would be better if I stopped being a pain. He wouldn't have to skip work if I wasn't around. Fewer times he would be getting into trouble.

I got off the bed, making sure not to wake up the two children, before sneaking out of the room and creeping downstairs. Within the darkness, I stumbled over toys, getting to the kitchen. I flipped the kitchen light on to see a mess, chairs with pillows on them. I turned on the stove and switched and filled the kettle up with water before putting it on the hob to boil. While waiting, I cleaned up the kitchen, watched the counters, and the floor and put the chairs back near the table with the pillows thrown into the living room. By the time I was done, the kettle was well past done, screeching loudly for a while with hot water bubbling and spitting. I got out a cup and added some coffee into it before pouring in the steaming hot water.

I let that be for a while, going to the living room and began closing the curtains, spotting Elizabeth sleeping outside alone. Where was Michael? Oh my god, I hit my face, feeling more annoyed with him. He should have gone home, not made his sister suffer outside.

I went outside and picked Elizabeth up, feeling how cold she was. A slight chill on her skin, not too bad but still, she was young and sleeping on a beach outside at night. Anything could have happened. I cuddled her in, making sure she was safe and warm. How could that idiot be so mean and cruel to me, say shit about how I look after children when he can't even be around his sister without wandering off somewhere, leaving Elizabeth vulnerable in a sleep state outside in the open.

"Michael, you lost your mind!" I yelled looking around for him.

"I knew that." Michael suddenly says, behind me, making me squeak and jump in fright.

"For fuck sake man! I'm tired and don't need you scaring me when I have Elizabeth in my arms! Do you have any idea how much danger you could have put Elizabeth in? Leaving her unattended, are you crazy! She is asleep." I ranted on to him, lecturing him about what he did.

"Sorry, I was having a smoke, away from her, it's dark out so, I understand when you are not noticing me over her. I'm just sitting in the corner smoking away from her. You'd probably complain and run your mouth about me smoking too close to her."

"You let her sleep outside! You should have gone home so she could be warm indoors. I didn't appreciate you hanging out the window to have a smoke. You could have fallen out and got hurt."

"It's adorable knowing you care." Michael grinned, throwing the cigarette away off the porch. "Did the little nap you had calm you down."

"Fuck you, ass. Get inside before you catch a cold." I opened the door for him, tapping my foot impatiently. He did as he was told and entered the house. He sat on the floor, refusing to sit anywhere else. With his arms crossed and his eyes watching me.

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