8 - saddened morning

522 17 7

-(Y/n)'s pov-

I stood at the Railway for 30 minutes as I played with rocks, threw them around and dropped them.  Rattling rocks and rustling leaves, I sighed as thoughts of being left out here appeared in my isolated mind. Why hasn't he arrived yet? Where is he? Did he ditch me? What if he did? I mean, he asked me to come out so why?

I sat, waiting, listening to the treeline settling as the wind rested still. The pebbles dropped from my hands and rushed off my coat as I waited. Waiting for what? Am I wasting time by waiting over an hour now?

9 pm.

I sighed, tearing up, fearing he could've forgotten about me. I wasn't that noticeable, just there. I could have been in my bed, warm. Instead, I was cold, bored and alone in the dark. It was how it was. Not happy. No, even enjoying waiting for that bum. He wasted my time.

"I get it," I said to myself, sighing. "Haha, funny joke." Tears dripped from my eyes, knowing how he wasn't coming. It was very clear by how long I had waited and waited for him.

Not far from here, across the train tracks, the farmer's field and along the overgrown path was mine and Michael's Old hang out, near a lake. Its windows shattered and ladders were weak, but it was perfect with charming overgrown plants and the stuff we abandoned there. It only took 30 to get there, but I need to wait for Michael. Even if he doesn't turn up. I need to make sure.

I stood up, dusting myself off. I gave up after another 1 hour or what felt like an hour, and I headed home. I troubled along the rocky walkway to the pathway. I walked home, taking 30 or 40 minutes to walk, but meh. It was alright. What a letdown.

"(Y/n)?" Mrs Dela called out for me with her old withered voice.

"What." I sniffled, trying to hide the fact I cried back. I got my hope up, expecting someone as cool and amazing as Michael would ever ask me to hang out with him. I bet it was a prank, he and his friends pulled it on. Haha, funny.

"You're home early." Mrs Dela stood up slowly, walking to the entranceway to greet me.

I cleaned my face from tears.

"are you okay? What happened."

"Nothing..." I stormed up to my room, what a fool I was thinking that Michael wanted to hang out with me. It was so exciting all of this week to get ditched, maybe it was some joke. Maybe, I should have listened to my mother.

The next day came and I quickly rushed down to call Roselyn. She properly knew more than me. I called her, impatiently hopping around, hoping she could pick up faster. Someone picked up.

"Hello, Schmidt residents, Rebecca speaking." A woman with a firm tone spoke.

"Hello, is um... is." I panicked, unsure if I accidentally called the wrong number. Was Roselyn's last name Schmidt? She never once told and spoke of her last name as if it brought her shame.

I tried speaking again. "Is Roselyn there?" I panicked more.


"DON'T BE SO RUDE!" Roselyn yelled back.


"Hello," Roselyn said softly before screaming back at the lady, who I assume is her mother. "MOTHER YOU DO THAT YOURSELF. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED!"

"We aren't having this argument again." Her mother lowered her voice but was still very close to the phone.

"Good, now leave before you scare away my friends."

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