20 - a game and a group

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I called Roselyn and asked if she would like to babysit Fritz, so I dropped Fritz off with Roselyn and Alex. It appeared she was now temporarily living with him, in a one bedroom house. I was confused who slept where, but shrugged it off. I told Fritz to behave and not be a pain.

In a awkward situation, I asked if Roselyn had any old bras I could possibly wear. I nothing on under my shirt and my shirt was irritating my nipples. Michael had broken my bra when he tried to remove it last night, breaking the clips off from tugging at them off. It was more awkward trying to explain why. My bras fit me nicely so them breaking from my size wouldn't of been an issues.

The thought of his hot breath against my skin, the kisses and touches still left my mind fuzzy. I felt somewhat vulnerable with my thoughts all over the place and Michael being the topic. He left me concerned. Was he alright? I was still cross with him yesterday but that didn't stop me from being worried. I thought Michael while I waited for Roselyn to find something for me to up on to stop the irritation.

She gave an old bra she still had. Said it might be slightly big but would do fine. It was a nice looking bra.

By time I got to the library and to the table where the others were sitting, they were already working. A few classmates, me, the girl who invited me, another girl and 4 boys. 2 looked sensible with casual clothes on, another had tight leather trousers and a tight top with his hair slicked back. Then there was the guy that I was warned would be coming. Quiet, sitting awkwardly in between the other lady and a casually dressed boy. His hoodie was torn, missing teeth, puffy dirt brown eyes. Pale as snow with a touch of red on his fat nose that seemed uncomfortable placed on his scrawny face.

"Hey." The two girls were greeted with a sweet smile.

"Hey, sorry that I'm a bit late, slept in and had to deal with children," I said, apologising for being 20 minutes late. Elizabeth wasn't having me leave her alone with her arms tightly around me. Fritz cried while holding onto my legs. Then Michael joined in for the hugs. It was like having 3 children and Sammy happily being fed by Henry while Beth slept in with a satisfied look on her sleeping face. The date must have been good if she was that happy.

"That's fine! I got them to do practice questions and make a list of things we can work on. I have everything I have to help you catch up with the class. So you can't get missing marks on the exam." The one who organised it said, so excited to help.

There were cards on the table with people's names on them.

"What are the cards for?" I asked.

"Well, We don't know each other, well some might do but, most of us don't. so I have made cards of the names so people know who is here." The classmate that invited me said, holding up her card, saying "Lisa" I knew that wasn't her birth name but the English one she chose for herself so nobody could struggle to say her real name. Hardly anyone was truly foreign, but those who were born in a different country like herself.

There was a girl on one end, Jennifer, and an empty spot where I decided to sit, getting my notebook out from my bag.

She rambled on a lot about different important parts of each topic, going through the topic one at a time, making sure I understood, while also helping the others who struggled with revising, which also being a part of a group discussion on whatever.

I caught Carlton, the boy Lisa warned me about, staring at the other girl before snapping his head to the boy across the table from him and laughing along with the others.

"I know this is off topic a bit, do you think women would fit big dicks comfortably?" One of the boys asked another boy. "Evolution happens and the quote is symbolic to evolution, or development of a creature, which relates to what I said." He was Jason, a boy from my class with kinda meh. He wasn't anything special, tried to do his best and shrugs it off when he doesn't. Messy hair, decent looking guy. An average person.

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