_-*Chapter 16*-_

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I hummed in response, looking at the sunrise yet again—it's so much more beautiful to watch on land.

"I met her three years ago, at a party my parents threw for their 40th anniversary. She's from the Kingdom of Karasuno, only a handmaiden to their youngest prince, Hinata," She said, deep in her story, "I didn't care at all, she caught my gaze and I couldn't help but watch her the entire time. I even accidentally bumped into her to make her spill some punch on me. She was mortified," Shimizu said, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, "But I didn't mind it because it meant I got to have her all to myself, even if it was only to clean me up. Then, a year later, my father proposed I start looking for a husband. When given the options, I chose Tsukishima of Karasuno, because it meant that I would meet her again."

"Does your father not approve of you liking women?" I asked, noticing how she said "husband". My Father—or rather, the mer in general—don't care what sex you love, as we all can get pregnant, kinda like seahorses. I remember reading that this was not true with the humans, as only females can.

"It's not that, he just didn't know at the time," She informed me, "Before that moment, I had zero interest in finding a spouse. But soon, I arrived at Karasuno to "bond" with Tsukishima. I knew right from the getgo that he had little to now interest in me. His heart was too busy following the young chef around. But that was fine with me, it meant I had all the more to pursue the beautiful girl. She had matured so much over the year apart. She recognized me instantly, though," She let out a huff of air as a laugh, "she kept apologizing for the punch spill. Over time, I grew closer with her and a day before I was expected back at my castle, we went on a horseback ride and she told me she'd fallen in love with me," She smiled fondly at the memory, "She was a mess, she had recently fallen in the moat after falling off her horse and her dress was soaking but I didn't care. I was overflowing with joy that I kissed her right then and there.

"Tsukishima told me that night that he did not want to court me and I agreed with him. When it was time to return to Shiratorizawa, I begged Hitoka to come with me," Shimizu took a breath, "She turned me down at first, but after she had asked the prince and he agreed, she followed wholeheartedly.

"I was scared how my father would react to me bringing a girl home, so I snuck her in on the first night. At dinner, my father asked what I had thought of Tsukishima and I knew I had to tell them. They have been my biggest supporters since I was born, so I was sure they would still love me, even if they didn't accept it. When I told them that I didn't want to marry him, they looked surprised. But I continued and told them that I found someone else I loved.

"They looked surprised but happy," She fidgeted, "I was so nervous to tell them about Hitoka that I nearly didn't, but I imagined her standing at my side for the rest of my life and that pushed me forward. When I told them that I didn't find a man that completed the puzzle of my heart, but a woman, they stood and embraced me and said that they were so happy. They said as long as I was happy, that's all they ask. They then demanded to be introduced to her right away," She smiled again, the memory making her smile even brighter, "They were shocked to see I brought home a handmaiden but they loved her perhaps more than I did. We got married the next year and my parents insisted they throw the biggest party for their daughter and her beloved wife. I have never regretted putting up with that salty prince in order to know the woman of my dreams. She is absolutely everything I have ever wanted in a person."

I found myself smiling by the end of the story and Shimizu turned to me, "How did you meet my brother?"

I was caught off guard and struggled to find a lie that didn't give away my species.

"If you worried about me finding out that you come from...quite a different place," She winked knowingly, "Wakatoshi is a very lightweight when he drinks. I already know."

I blushed and smiled at her kindness and acceptance, "Well, I swam off after a fight with my Father,"I explained, "and then I saw the shadow of a ship pass overhead and I just had to swim up and see it. I've always had a strong curiosity with humans so I couldn't help but watch what was happening on the boat. Then I saw Wakatoshi-Kun and I couldn't tear my eyes away," I admitted, embarrassed, "soon after, a storm came that destroyed the boat," Shimizu nodded knowingly, a sad look in her eyes, "Other mers would've told me to swim away but I felt that I had to save the man I saw. So I searched for him and dragged him to the shore. I was afraid he was already dead when I placed him on the sand, so—since I am unable to cry physically—I let out my despair in a song." Her eyes widened in recognition, she must've heard the tune.

"Then, an old man and a few others arrived and carried him away. I came back the next night because I felt something important was going to happen. When I arrived, I saw him standing there. I couldn't help but investigate and he caught sight of me. We got to know each other and promised to meet up again. Leading me here," I left out the part about us being attacked by the same eels that placed Oikawa in a seemingly never-ending sleep.

"So you've only really known each other for two days?" Shimizu raised an eyebrow slightly. I blushed and scratched the nape of my neck, feeling the chain of my necklace.

"I guess so," I admitted, "But I knew I loved him the moment I laid eyes on him."

"Hm," She hummed, "I can't really have a say on that matter, because I fell in love practically in the same amount of time," we both laughed and suddenly the bedroom door opened.

I turned to look and saw Wakatoshi standing there, "Toshi!" I cried out happily, Stumbling into his arms, a smile stretching across my face, "You're back!" I hugged him tightly, even though he had only been absent for a little bit.

"Indeed, Satori," He smiled softly and ruffled my red hair, "I'm sorry it took so long," He apologized, "I couldn't find the bandages."

"It's fine," I smiled up at him, even though we only had a short difference in height, "I got to talk to Shimizu-San!"

He furrowed his brows and looked up, only now noticing his sister standing on the balcony.

"Hello, Shimizu," He greeted, pulling closer to his body. Her eyes flitted to how he held me and grinned a little.

"Hello, Wakatoshi," She smiled, "Tendou was interested in my wife, Hitoka." She explained and he seemed to relax—perhaps remembering his sister was married?

"I'll be going now," She bowed her head and slipped past us out the door.

"Aw, were you jealous, Toshi-Kun?" I grinned mischievously and looked up at him.

"Yes," He said plainly and I felt color rise to my cheeks, "Anyway, here, sit," He led me to the bed and knelt down to treat my burn. He added some sort of poultice that eased the burning and then he wrapped it with soft strips of cloth.

"There," He finished and sat back to admire his handiwork. I did as well, impressed with the skill.

"You're really good at this, Wakatoshi-Kun," I complimented him and his ears turned pink.

"I often got hurt when I was a child," He shrugged, "So I asked to be taught how to treat wounds myself."

I laughed softly at that, I too got hurt as a child, but it was mostly due to Father's fits of rage.

"So, Toshi," I let his nickname roll off my tongue, "How am I to get back to my kingdom?"

He was quiet for a few moments, "I...don't know," He looked embarrassed and I immediately felt bad.

"Oh, it's fine if I have to wait till dusk to leave," I smiled, "I'm not complaining, that means I get to spend more time with you!"

I cupped his face and he turned pink again. I began to learn that this was a sign of embarrassment or romantic feelings. I hoped this was due to the latter.

Wakatoshi suddenly gripped my hands with his own and removed them from his face, he looked at me seriously, "Satori, do you want to meet my mother?"

I was taken aback by the sudden suggestion but nodded nonetheless, excited by the prospect of meeting the parent of the man I loved.

He smiled in relief and dragged me out the door, still holding onto one of my hands.


Is destroying the world for a loved one villainous, or is it villainous to destroy your loved one to save the world?

The Twisted Tale of The Little MermanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu