Chapter 20

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Joel's PoV

Joel clenched his teeth, his grip on his sword tightened as he did his best to dodge Joey's attacks who was aggressively swinging his sword in an attempt to hit him.

He shot a glance at Jimmy, who was still frozen in place, yet his eyes moved around frantically and sweat trickled down his forehead. It seemed like he was forced to stay in place.

Xornoth. Of course.

"Listen, I know we don't exactly like each other." Joel started awkwardly, blocking Joey's sword with his own. "But I'm sure we can come to an agreement, truce?" It was worth a try, wasn't it?

Joey scoffed. "Forget it." He lashed out again, but his sword was parried and it bounced back in the direction it came from, leaving an opening for Joel to hit him.

Yet he didn't.

Joey stared at him with a confused expression and he hesitated. His eyes briefly flickered back to their natural colour. But that hesitation didn't take long as he attacked again.

Xornoth was leaning against a wall behind Joey, watching the two calmly.

Joel started to panic, he couldn't keep on blocking Joey's attacks. It would be a matter of time before he made a mistake.

With that in mind, he spun around and started running through the corridors.

Joey shot a look over his shoulder towards Xornoth. When the demon didn't react, he started chasing Joel down.

Panting, the Mezelean king entered a random room and threw the door shut. He leaned against it as he desperately tried to come up with a way to get out of here.

Think, think, think!

He thought back to the moment when Joey had hesitated, even if it was for only a few seconds, he could still use that to his advantage.

Slowly but surely a plan started formulating in his mind, if it succeeded and the gods were in his favour, he would live to tell the tale. But if he failed, his height would decrease significantly at the loss of his beloved head.

His heart almost stopped beating when he heard footsteps on the other side of the door and he held his breath, praying that the sounds would disappear. Luckily, they did.

He waited for a while before slowly opening the door and peeking outside, the hallways were deserted.

I knew the gods were fond of me.

Joel warily left the room he had been hiding in and sneaked through the hallway, he headed in the direction Joey had went, he then positioned himself around a corner and waited.

Waiting wasn't his strongest point.

After what felt like an eternity, Joel heard faint footsteps coming towards him, meaning that Joey had given up on following him.

Joel didn't dare to peek around the corner as he waited for Joey to reach him. He slowly counted down in his head, just when Joey came in sight, he leaped forward and grasped Joey's crown, throwing it away.

Joey shrieked in surprise as the crown was removed from his head, he stared at Joel blankly for a few seconds before his eyes returned to their natural color.

The blonde man slowly opened his mouth to say something. "What the fuck-"

Fuck upload schedules.

Okay bye

Empires: The Next Generation [DISCONTINUED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora