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September 11, 2017, Y/N pov:

*In diary, 07:02 am*

Today is the first day of college. I hope everything goes well, I worked hard to get to this college. All I have to do is make a good impression on the teachers and do well in class. I woke up really early to get ready, but honestly there was no point, it's not like I'm going to an interview. But hey, at least I had time to journal. Lucky for me that I'm not far from the college, 4 kilometers are like a breeze. Ok, I should probably leave for the bus. See ya later diary!

*End of diary* Author pov:

Y/N doesn't have any friends, she just moved. And in Romania it was the same, she was always the quiet girl who minded her own business. After school Y/N comes home happy.

*In diary, 14:21* Y/N pov:

Wow, the university is great! Everyone was super nice to me and the teachers are wonderful, it's like I'm living a dream. I thank God so much for helping me. What's weird is that I'm the only foreigner in the whole school. I heard that Korea is full of foreigners, but apparently not in my case. I bet that if I went to Seoul I would have half a class of foreigners. Anyway, this university is very good, I heard that it produced the best heart doctors in Korea. I prefer Daegu, it's quiet and very beautiful! I am very glad that everything is going well.

*End of diary* Y/N pov:

Y/N: Okay, time to go shopping. I have no notebooks and I have so many new subjects. I can't wait to start my career as a cardiologist.

I changed, grabbed a bag, my wallet and left for Lotte Department Store Daegu. Once there, I entered and went directly to the supplies section.

Y/N: Medical vocabulary, anatomy notebook, biochemistry notebook, biophysics, pharmacology... perfect! I have them all.

I went to the cash register with the basket full, put the products on the belt and waited for them to be scanned by the handsome cashier.

Y/N in her head: Wow, why is such a nice guy working in such a place, he could be a model of success-

Cashier: 30,775 won, cash or card?

Y/N: Cash

Author POV:

Y/N paid and headed to the bus station, she wanted to stay in town but couldn't because of the heavy bags. She was sitting on a seat in the bus thinking when a great idea came to her. Arriving home, she left her bags by the desk and put her wonderful idea into the plan. She sat down at her desk, opened her laptop and logged into her Facebook account so she could video call her parents.

*Video call started*

Y/N's mom: Honey! How are you, how was it at college today?

Y/N: Hi mom! It was great! Everything is better than I imagined.

Y/N's dad: We're so glad honey, I was just now telling your mom that we should call you, but look, you called us!

Y/N's mom: Yes that's right! Know that if you need anything you can call us anytime, we want you to be well!

Y/N: There would be something I really need right now....

Y/N's Dad: Let me guess, a boyfriend? *Y/N's parents burst out laughing*

Y/N: Oh daddy don't be like that! You know I came here to create a career, I don't need a boyfriend!

Y/N's dad: Uh yeah, a boyfriend would be good for you tho! *winks*

Y/N's Mom: Ok ok honey let the girl tell us what she needs!

Y/N: Well, today when I was on the bus I thought I'd better have a scooter. That way I can move alone without having to wait five years for someone else to pick me up, and I no longer have to pay a ticket for a single trip!

Y/N's mom: Hmmm, what do you think daddy? Shall we get her a scooter?

Y/N's Dad: You know... it's not a bad idea! Especially since you have a drivers license, you have to use it for something too, right? Send us the model and we will order it to your address.

Y/N's mom: But wait, where are you going to keep it? You just won't park it in the apartment!

Y/N: Don't be naive mommy! My unit has underground parking for all residents!

Y/N's Mom: That's perfect then!

Y/N: I'll send you the model tonight, kiss you!

Y/N's parents: We kiss you too! Bye honey!

*Video call ended*

Y/N hung up the call happily then started unpacking what she bought. She stuck labels with her name, class, subject on all her notebooks, sorted her books, organized every one of her supplies, made a timetable that she stuck on the wall, and finally made her the bag for tomorrow.

Y/N took the bus to a famous restaurant in Daegu, Poonawala Restaurant. She heard that there are many delicacies at that restaurant. Once there, she ordered the menu of the day and a wonderful dessert. She took the picture of the food which she posted on her Facebook page, then enjoyed her meal.

After the meal Y/N decided to go to the national museum of Daegu. She wanted to go to that museum for a long time and said why not today? Y/N visited every corner of that museum and lost track of time. She only realized what time it was when the guard told her the museum was closing. It was already 9 o'clock.

Y/N took the bus home and when she got home she went straight to a cold shower. After showering, she changed into her pajamas and went to her office to do her night routine, when suddenly she heard a notification on Facebook, apparently she left her laptop on.

Y/N pov:

I was doing my routine quietly when suddenly I heard a notification on my laptop which scared me quite a bit because the screen suddenly lit up.

Y/N: Oh, I forgot to close the laptop. How come the battery didn't die for so long? Maybe it's my mother, I will reply after looking at scooter models.

It wasn't my mother, I managed to see the notification out of the corner of my eye before it disappeared.

New message from Kim Taehyung: Are you sleeping yet? ;)

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