Chapter 52 kings Thoughts

Depuis le début

"What do you have in mind ?" I asked.

"There is so much waste here at the castle. We throw out so much food. I've seen entire sacks of flour be tossed because if wasn't up to the chefs standards. I think we could have them collect it from the kitchen instead of it being tossed and there would be more then enough for them to not only feed themselves but sell loafs of bread and hot stew. I also see alot of material being thrown out from the dress makers. These women are talented. They not only could make clothes for themselves and their children but they could try and sell their dresses to the common people at a much more affordable price." Hannah's words amazed me.

"I knew I made the right decision placing you on my counsel." I said excited. "You will truly help make this kingdom a better place. We will turn your ideas into working systems immediately."

She laughed. "You are too kind."

"One more question." I smiled. "When can I plan for your wedding ? We can have a ceremony if you wish. I want you and William to have your happily ever after."

Her smile faded and it puzzled me. "Is William not treating you well?"

"Oh no. He is. He is wonderful." She shook her head.

"But you are unhappy?" I asked.

She paused as if she had more to say. "Everything is perfect. I will ask William when he wishes to carry out our engagement."

I wanted to ask her more but I didn't feel I had the relationship with her to do so. "Perfect..well that is all I have for you, please enjoy your afternoon."

Glancing around the chapel I was disappointed Father Nicholas was no where to be seen

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Glancing around the chapel I was disappointed Father Nicholas was no where to be seen. It had been several weeks since our time in the confessional and I craved for some time with him.

"Oh king Silas I'm glad your here." Lucy said popping her head out from the church office
"I have a stack of marriage licenses that just arrived this morning needing your approval."

"Ah Lucy. Of course." I said trying to hide my hard on. I was picture father Nicholas in his robe and was again disappointed he wasn't her. "Is father Nicholas around ?"

Her eyes flickered to me with an undertone of annoyance at the mention of his name. "No I do believe he had to take a trip the the Vatican.

"I see...did he mention when he would be back?" I asked.

"No." Lucy handed me a slip of mail. "I'm afraid he didn't say."

I took it from her, my hand brushing against her abnormally large hands for a woman. They also were rough for cutting wood. She obviously had some experience on a farm. Clearly noticing me staring at her hands she quickly tucked them back under her dress. Anxiety seemed to fill her face and she stood pacing the room. I tried to concentrate on the marriage request but her movement began to make me have anxiety.

"Is something wrong ?" I asked.

"Oh sorry." She said fidgeting. "I...have a hard time remaining still."

"Are you used to more labor work?" I asked regretting it as I watched her glance down to her hands.

She ran them through her long beautiful hair. "I honestly am not used to be around so many people that's all..I like to keep to myself."

I gave up on trying to do any work and set the letter on one of the church pews. "And yet you volunteered for ministry?"

"Ahh..." she glanced around as if she had said something wrong. "Father Nicolas made it hard to want to say no..." I pondered her words contemplating if she meant them in a good way or not. "Honestly churches make me nervous." Her dark eyes darted around the sanctuary. "I've never really felt welcomed..."

I sighed. "I understand more then you know."

"You? The king? The chosen of God to lead a kingdom? Unwelcome ?" For the first time I heard her laugh. It was a good laugh. The kind that made you smile.

I couldn't help but chuckle too. "Yes I suppose it does sound rather odd coming from me...but I assure you..I do not wear the role I was called to play well compared to who I actually am." She glanced at me with such wonder and I realized I really should stop talking before I said too much. But there was something about her that was easy to talk too. Leaning down I picked up a marriage certificate again and looked it over trying to keep my thoughts away from father Nicholas and all the dirty wonderful things we had done in this Sanctuary.

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