When They're Drunk

625 13 0

Warning! This includes obviously, being drunk.


- He doesn't drink.

- But if he did?

- He'd just be even quieter than normal

- He would only respond in grunts and growls 

- Geez is this man a Gradungr or somethin-

- He would glare at everyone but you 

- Sindri could literally say

- "Hey, Kratos!"

- And Kratos would just stare at him intimidatingly

- "Mgh."

- Poor sindri was kinda scared-


- She doesn't drink.

- If she did though?

- She'll be almost normal

- But her words would be slurred 

- She would bump into things more often

- She would draw words out

- You could say hi to her

- "Hey Freya!"

- "Ohhhh, hellllllloooooo Y/NNNNNNNnnnn.."

- She might be loopy


- Boi is too young 

- He's not 21 or 18-

- But if he was

- He might've stolen some of Brok's just to try it

- He was curious

- He could switch from being angry to happy at any moment 

- "Hey Atreus!"

- "Oh, hey Y/N- UGHHHH!"

- Then he literally becomes a bear or a wolf-

- And in which he'll probably fall 

- Have fun with that

- He'll respond in grunts and growls sometimes

- A lot like his father-

- He'll probably bump into things

- He'd curse a lot

- He and Brok probably got in a cussing competition honestly-


- Uh yeah about that

- He can't drink

- Or eat

- So you good

- But if he could drink

- He would probably be insulting or cussing

- To just about everyone

- Even Kratos

- He probably would be telling random stories

- Then raging at his random stories

- "...And he set her across the River! He broke the agreement! That dumb, lying, wee f-"


- He doesn't really drink

- But when he does?

- He's all loopy

- And funny

- You could get him to do almost anything

- "Hey, Sindri!"

- "Y/NNNnNnNnNnnNnnN!"

- He would be as friendly as normal

- If not friendlier 

- But sometimes...

- He's mean

- starts yelling

- It kinda scares the others

- Mainly Atreus

- He cusses too when he's mean

- That makes brok laugh

- Sometimes Sindri would be walking 

- and he would just fall randomly 

- He might bump into things too


- He drinks quite a bit

- Not sad or anything

- just likes drinking


- He isn't really that much different

- He might cuss a bit more

- "Hey Brok!"

- "Hey yerself, ya f-er."

- That's pretty normal

- He might bump into things

- Even if it's just barely 

- Pretty much it

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