Do you wear each other's clothes?

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- Nope.

- He likes his clothes perfectly fine.

- If you do, you might freeze.

- If you're a gal- keep on your shirt at least-

- If he caught you he'd give you a blank stare.

- "Why are you wearing my clothes?"

- He wouldn't be mad, but he'd ask for you to give his clothes back and wear yours again.


- Maybe.

- She sometimes steals your clothes and tries them on, curious. 

- If you caught her, she would be a little embarrassed.

- She would hide that she was embarrassed of course.

- "I was curious how it was."

- If you do steal her clothes, she'd probably find out quickly.

- She'll be kind of happy yet confused.

- "Well, at least you look good in it."

- She won't ask for the clothes back right away, but she would a little while later.


- Yeah, he's probably done it at least once. He's just curious.

- If you caught him, he'd stammer something along the lines of

- "O-oh uhhh... I just wanted to see... why you.. l-looked so good?"

- He was trying to act proud and flatter you but kind of failed

- If you wore his clothes, he'd be flustered if he caught you.

- He may somehow be fighting off a nose bleed-

- "W-wh-"

- He's having trouble forming words-


- Nope

- He can't

- He doesn't even have clothes for you to steal-

- But you have found an outfit similar to his old one

- Mimir saw and gave you a confused look


- It's very rare, but he has done it once.

- He was mainly curious.

- If you caught him, he'd be flustered.

- "Oh uh.... I just wanted to... uhhhh... keep your smell with me?"

- He had sniffed and gagged

- "Nnnnever mind it smells like blood- Anyways that sounded weird, and now that I've smelled this— no offense— it needs to be washed after all those battles."

- He'd probably wash himself after smelling the blood

- If you didn't fight, you'd be good since you probably didn't have the smell of blood on you

- If he caught you in his clothes he'd be flustered.

- His mouth was gaping and his face was tomato red.

- He probably has a nosebleed too-


- He quickly walked out of the room

- Brok teased him of course-

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