Their reaction to a hybrid

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If you don't want these places exactly and want it to be wherever, ignore where it says where you two were, and just look at their reactions and the animal. If you want. SPOILERS FOR GARM!


- You two had gone adventuring in Svartaflheim

- Well, at Dragon Beach

- You two— or three, if Mimir is there— decided to go back into the boat

- Suddenly, something had burst out of the water 

- Somehow, it was a mix of a.. Dreki and a dragon?

- They weren't even in the same family, the only similarity?

- They were both reptiles 

- Probably a result of experimenting with magic

- You two did defeat it though

- "Kratos, have you ever seen anything like it?"

- "No. It is a wild animal. It attacked, we killed it. It does not matter how it looked."

- Wow he actually said a lot, he only grunted at the 'No' part.


- You two were in Midgard, looking around

- Suddenly, out of the bushes, a Stalker came out

- Except, it wasn't like a normal stalker... the deer half wasn't deer.

- It had a more wolf like face, and a wolf like centaur part

- But the legs seemed to be able to leap the same as before, if not better 

- Unfortunately, it wasn't friendly

- So you two had to kill it, but inspected the corpse after

- "Freya. Have you ever seen anything like this?"

- "No... it is quite interesting though. I wonder if it was born like this, or fused with magic. It's too bad that it wasn't friendly..."

- She seemed interested 


- You two were in Jötunheim

- Just exploring a little farther out than usual by where the Wretches had nested, before it got cleared out

- Oddly enough, there was an odd looking wolf

- It then started padding up to you

- It looked like a mix between a Wulver and a normal wolf

- "That is... one odd looking wolf."

- Atreus watched it, his bow at the ready

- It had the claws and spikes of a wulver

- and the build, fur, and muscles of a wolf

- But it was bigger than a normal wolf

- It was friendly at least?

- "Atreus, have you ever seen anything like this?"

- "No... but it's kinda amazing. It wouldn't be as amazing if it attacked us, though."

- He seemed like he was interested and curious. 

- He probably tried to learn about hybrid creatures like it


- You two were in Vanaheim

-  Just exploring and adventuring

- Of course, several enemies were there

- But, oddly enough, they seemed to be trying to attack something that wasn't you.

- You were able to get a better look, and saw it was a Gradungr

- But it didn't look like a normal one, it seemed like a mix between a Gradungr and a wolf

- You decided to take out the enemies, and see if the hybrid was friendly or not

- It was though

- "Mimir, have you ever seen anything like this?"

- "No, (Sister/Brother/Sibling), this is new to me. I wonder how it came to be like this."

- He seemed some what excited and confused. 

- Excited because something new, confused because he's never seen a hybrid like that.


- You were at his house

- Fenrir had created a rift and was there too

- But another animal followed? 

- It was like a mix of a dragon and a hafgufa

- Pretty much build was full dragon

- some parts were glowing, with the jellyfish tentacles trailing off the wings and tail 

- It was friendly though, and approached you and sindri

- "Sindri, have you ever seen anything like this?"

- "Nope! But I'm going to stay away because who knows where it's been. I do wonder how it was born though. These two creatures don't even breed!"

- He was interested in learning about it though, and excited to learn about something that few have ever seen

- it probably tried to lick his face several times

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