If You Were The Child of a Strong Enemy

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When they found out :D


- It wouldn't make too much of a difference for him

- "Mmh."

- He already loved and respected you, your parent didn't make too much of a difference for him

- But if he knew he would have to fight them, he wouldn't take you along

- If he already killed them, he'd apologize 

- But he would try to keep it from you for a while

- he doesn't want to hurt you, that's why he hides it


- She'd be kind of impressed

- "Wow, so I'm the love of a (son/daughter/child) of (enemy)?"

- But she still loved you the same

- If she knew Kratos killed them, or she helped kill them, she'd apologize.

- She might hide it, but she probably wouldn't 

- If Kratos told you two, she'd try to comfort you if need be


- He'd be a little impressed 

- "So, you're the child of (enemy)? Wow, you must be strong."

- He still loved you the same

- He probably helped his father kill your parent 

- If you mentioned something about that parent he'd choke on whatever was in his mouth

- Even spit

- You asked him and he reluctantly told you

- He apologized a lot though, and tried to comfort you if needed


- Honestly he might have guessed

- But if he didn't, he'd be surprised and impressed

- "(Sister/Brother/Sibling), even though it isn't quite  your doing, I'm impressed! You must be powerful, aye?"

- He loved you the same of course, but wondered what powers you had

- If you ever mentioned your parent, he probably knew they were dead

- He might quietly inhale sharply, or stutter at first when mentioning them

- "oh... A-aye (Sister/Brother/Sibling), let's hope they're doing.. well!"

- He'd try to hide it for a little bit, not wanting to hurt you

- He did tell you eventually though, he knew it was the right thing

- He tried to comfort you need be


- He might have guessed

- But probably didn't

- He'd be impressed 

- "Wow! No wonder you're so amazing. And uh... please, don't let me meet your (mother/father/parent), I have a feeling it won't end well. In fact, probably it would turn out horribly."

- He loved you the same, but did ask a few questions about your parents and past

- If he heard that Kratos and Atreus killed your parent, he might not mention it

- He'd try to save you from the grief

- He did a good job, it was Atreus who let the cat out of the bag

- "Hey, Sindri! We went back to where we killed (parent), and found more treasure!"

- Sindri apologized for not telling you

- He tried to comfort you 

- He would make you your favorite snack (Btw, he does this whenever you're sad :D


- He didn't seem too different

- But he was a little impressed 

- "Wow, so yer the kid of ol' (parent)?"

- He loved you the same ofc

- He'd be a little worried about what to tell you when he heard that Kratos and Atreus killed them

- Surprisingly he probably wouldn't try to hide it

- He would try to break it to you in a private area

- "Hey, uh... Y/N? I hates to break it to yer, but, well, the big guy and the boy killed yer parent, (parent name duh)."

- He'd try to comfort you

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