If you were sick

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!WARNING, SPOILERS FOR SINDRI. I'LL PUT A FEW SPACES AT THE SPOILING PART SO YOU CAN SKIP IT! Also just to clarify! This can count if you got sick from an enemy, from a curse, or from natural causes. So it can fit for gods/goddesses/deities, humans, dwarves, or whatever!


- He'll try to help

- He doesn't really know what to do though

- Does this man even get sick?

- He seems to never get sick when you are sick, at least 

- He'll ask Mimir for the best thing to help you.

- "Head. What is needed for sickness?"

- "Brother, just get some (insert medicine or herb) and soup. Of course, whoever is sick needs plenty of water and rest too."

- Wise words, wise words 

- He gets you the medicine, soup, and water

- He'll try to force you to sleep

- "Y/N. Sleep."

- Basically he's just gonna watch you until you go to sleep


- She has a spell to make you not sick

- If you don't tell her you are sick, she'll probably find out that you are sick in at most an hour.

- Then she uses the spell ofc

- So you're good


- He doesn't know what to do

- He'll ask Mimir for what to do

- Then he will help you

- In the end though, he'll probably get sick too

- You two probably get healed of your sickness from Freya

- Atreus realized he could've asked her this entire time to heal you

- "Oh. Why didn't I think of that sooner-"


- He can't do most of the things

- But he can get Sindri or Brok to make soup

- He'll ask either one of them, Kratos, or Atreus to give it to you

- But if Freya is there, he'll ask her to heal your sickness

- If she isn't there, he'll just tell Kratos and Atreus what is needed 

- Mimir is mainly by your side

- If he isn't, it's because he's with Kratos and Atreus (or Kratos and Freya)

- He'd ask Brok or Sindri to watch over you

- Make sure that you got what you needed

- Mainly Brok helped because Sindri was scared of germs


- He loves you a lot but...

- He won't come too close to you

- He'll clean everything you touch

- But he will also make you soup

- He actually makes better soup than Brok, it's just that Brok wants to make food for the others most of the time

- He'll ask Mimir for the right kind of medicine for you

- But he'll send either Brok or Atreus to give the soup and medicine to you, maybe Kratos

- If it's Brok

- "Here, Y/N. Sindri was being a BIG OL' WIMPY BABY and didn't wanna come close to you."


- Sindri was glaring at brok-

- It might've turned into one of the sibling arguments 

- Mainly friendly though

- If it's Atreus

- "Hey, Y/N. Here you go. Hope you feel better. And uh.. Sindri didn't come over here because of how scared he is."

- "Hey! I am not  scared. I am just being reasonable and avoiding sickness."

- If it was Kratos

- "Here."

- Sindri approves of Kratos not making fun of sindri

- He also gets them to give you tissues (if they don't exist then something to blow your nose in)

- He also gets a bucket next to you somehow

- For either throwing up or trash, it doesn't matter

- If he ends up having to throw the stuff out, he'll probably throw the entire bucket out

- He can just get a new one easily

- He'd probably throw up too, if he had to clean it up

- (Post Brok's death shall be below)

- He, luckily, knows how to take care of you

- He is unwilling to ask the others for help

- He makes some of the best soup

- He might end up getting sick too

- But he'll give you all the things he would've asked someone to before Brok's death 

- He'll still toss the entire bucket out

- Though during Ragnarök and after Brok's death, he seemed to not be germaphobic, he still is Germaphobic, just not as much (he washed off the enemy blood, and Brok's)

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