Shattered Hearts

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Lizzie and Robbie have signed the papers and have become Y/N's legal guardians which means they had to sign the form that states if Y/N does not wake up in four months, they had to turn off his life support machine. 

It broke their hearts to sign it but they know their son is strong so he will wake up, they hope. Scarlett was informed of what happened and she regretted the way she left things. 

Scarlett, Tom, Zendaya, Hailee, Florence and Jacob have been visiting him while Robbie and Lizzie stay there most days, except when they go to work. 

Robbie walks into the room seeing Lizzie shaving Y/N's beard. He raises an eyebrow and looks at Scarlett who sits on the chairs.

"Babe why are you shaving him?"

"He doesn't like having a beard, it makes him itchy."

He sighs walking over to her and putting his hand on her lower back making her look at him. 

"It's only been two months Lizzie, he'll wake up."

"I'm getting worried."

"So am I but it's Y/N he survived months of torture and came out the other side and now he fought poison in his body."

"But he's in a coma Robbie."

"He'll wake up."

Lizzie kisses her husband before continuing to shave him wiping his face when she finishes before moving his hair from his face. 

"Please wake up sweetie."

She tears up leaning down to kiss his forehead before wiping her eyes. Robbie picks up his penguin teddy putting it on Y/N's chest.

"Mr. Waddles miss-"

"It's sir waddles," the two women say in unison.

"Ok, Sir Waddles misses you."

They all chuckle lightly before sitting around talking about other things. Robbie starts to randomly chuckle to himself making the two women look at him confused.

"What's so funny?"

"Just remembered when he said he can pull women older than I can."

Lizzie starts laughing and so does Robbie as Scarlett looks confused.

"When did he say that?"

"After you left to get him a present."

She smiles softly at him before kissing his cheek. The door opens and the five friends walk in looking at Y/N.

"Still hasn't woke up?"

Lizzie looks at Tom. 

"No not yet but he will."

Hailee walks over to the bed resting her forehead on his as she cries. Her friends watch her before looking at the adults.

"She hasn't been taking it well. He's been her protector since he saved her that day so it's hitting her the hardest."

"It isn't easy for any of us but Y/N is strong, he'll wake soon."

They all nod as Hailee pulls away from him wiping her eyes as they leave the room heading back to the school. 

Scarlett and Lizzie are sat reading books as they sit in Y/N's room. Lizzie looks up from her book sighing, she can't focus so she closes her book. Scarlett looks over at her friend as she runs her fingers through her hair. 

"What's wrong Lizzie?"

"It's been three months Scarlett and he has shown no signs of waking up."

"He will."

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