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Captain Mackey and some of his officers head down to see what Sebastian found. They let the dogs out who start behaving the same way Artemis did. 

"They smell something in there."

"The owner is on his way then we can find out who owns this unit and what is making these dogs go crazy."

More officers and some paramedics start arriving since this appears to be more serious than they originally thought. Captain Mackey starts informing everyone of what is happening and giving people jobs. 

The owner arrives and starts looking for who owns it before telling the police who owns it. Before he starts walking to the storage unit in question, opening it.

The dogs rush in with the officers walking in with their guns raised. They see a glass enclosure in the middle of the room and a body laying in a pool of blood. 

"Someone get me something to break this!"

Someone brings in a battering ram and Captain Mackey smashes the glass rushing to the body feeling for a pulse.

"I have a very light pulse, get the paramedics in here now!"

An officer rushes off to get the medics who run in and over to the body. They assess him before getting him on a gurney and rushing him out. 

Lizzie is sitting in her classroom teaching Psychology when her phone rings, she ignores it putting her phone face down and continues teaching.

A few minutes past before her door bursts open and Scarlett stands there holding her phone as she smiles.

"They found him."

Lizzie looks at her shocked.

"Class dismissed."

They both rush out of the classroom, out of the building and into Lizzie's car.

"Slow down!"

"I need to see him."

"I do to but we should be alive for that."

Lizzie slows down and drives them safely to the hospital rushing in and up to the desk.

"Y/N Adams."

"He's in surgery ma'am, what is your relationship to him?"

"I'm his mom and she's his girlfriend so let us into the relatives room or so help me God I will make your life hell."


Lizzie and Scarlett head into the relatives room as they wait restlessly for some news on Y/N. A few hours later, a doctor walks in.

"Are you Y/N Adams' mom?"

"Yes is he okay?"

"He's stable, he's very lucky to be alive. We almost lost him a few times but your son is a fighter."

"Can we see him?"

"Yes he is just being closed up so I will bring you to the room we are bringing him to."

The doctor leads them through the hospital to a private room with two officers outside. They wait in the room for half an hour before Y/N is rolled in.

"He has a lot of lacerations over his body, a good few broken ribs, some bruising on the torso and two broken legs."

"Oh my baby."

Lizzie walks over to him putting her hand on his cheek as tears roll down her face. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

She cries into his chest as Scarlett stands by with tears in her eyes. Lizzie pulls away letting Scarlett see him. 

"He looks so vulnerable."

She strokes his cheek as Lizzie rubs her back before they both hug, happy to have him back. The doctors told them that he should wake in a few days, that the damage and trauma his body went through will take a toll on him.

Both women are fast asleep a few hours later with Lizzie sleeping with her head on the bed and holding Y/N's right hand as Scarlett sleeps on the chair behind her.

Y/N's eyes flutter open before closing, the light too much. Is this what being dead feels like? He opens his eyes again blinking to get use to the light.

He moves his head to the left to see a heart monitor machine beeping. He feels something in his right hand so he turns his head to the right. 

He looks down seeing Lizzie holding his hand asleep. He squeezes his hand making her groan.

"Scarlett stop, that's not funny."

He squeezes her hand again.

"Scarlett, I'm serious."

He squeezes it again as she turns to tell Scarlett off only to see her still asleep. She raises an eyebrow confused.


She hears a croaky voice say making her freeze before she slowly turns her head around to see him lightly smiling at her.

"Oh baby!"

She hugs him gently but he hugs her tightly as they both cry, he ignores all the pain in his body afraid he is just dreaming.

"You're really here."

"Yes baby I'm here."

She holds his face in her hands smiling at him kissing his forehead.

"I'm sorry for not protecting you baby if-"

"Mom it's not your fault you didn't know he was gonna do that, no one did."

"I know but if I had-"

"Mom please don't blame yourself, it's his fault not yours."

"I won't baby. I love you so much, you are the best son in the world."

"I love you so much mom. I didn't know a mother could love a son till I met you. You mean so much to me and I will never stop telling you that."

He pulls her into another hug before looking at Scarlett who is still sleeping.

"She's really missed you."


"Yeah, do you want me to wake her?"


She strokes his cheek before moving over to Scarlett gently shaking her leg waking her up.


"Look who woke up."

She looks at Lizzie confused before she looks over at Y/N who smiles lightly at her. She quickly gets up rushing over to him and hugging him which he returns.

"I'm sorry for everything, I should've treated you better. You've been so good to me and I'm really sorry for everything. And I think I might be in love with you and I know I'm six years younger but-"

She smashes her lips into his cutting off his rambling as he returns the kiss, his right hand on her arm as she grips his hospital gown.

His hands starts to move down and goes to squeeze her ass only for her to move his hand and Lizzie to gag making them pull away.

"Yeah still here."

"Sorry Lizzie."

She looks at her son who stares at the ceiling with a dazed smile on his face making them both laugh.

"I think you broke him."

"I think so."

They laugh as he turns to look at them with a smile on his face, happy to be back with his mom and Scarlett.

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