Party Problems

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It's Y/N's first Saturday in his new college so he is walking through the halls as people look at him weirdly.

It's Y/N's first Saturday in his new college so he is walking through the halls as people look at him weirdly

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He finds himself in the Psychology classroom he sits on the desk swinging his legs. He lays back on the table, lighting his cigarette. 

Lizzie is walking beside Scarlett back towards her room for girls night when they look in her classroom as they pass seeing a student on the desk.

The student's attire lets them know immediately who it is especially after they see the cigarette, Lizzie walks into her classroom. 


He sits up looking at his two professors. She walks over to him as he moves over making room for her as she sits beside him.

"What are you doing here? It's Saturday."

"I'm meant to meet Vanessa soon for a party."

"That doesn't explain why you're here sweetie."

"I feel safe here."

He looks at Lizzie as she smiles at him. He puts his head on her shoulder as she plays with his hair.

"Do you have something you need to talk about?" 

"He scares me, he told me-"

"Y/N ready to- oh hi Ms. Olsen, Ms. Johansson."

The two teachers turn to look at Vanessa. Y/N hops of the table walking over to her.

"See you Monday."

The two students leave as the two professors head to Scarlett's room. As they are enjoying their girls night, they begin to worry when they are yet to hear Y/N come home. They hear a knock on the door and Scarlett gets up seeing Linda. 

"There's someone on the phone for you press three, says she's a friend of Y/N."

"Okay thanks Linda."

She closes the door walking over to the a set of buttons pressing three when the girl from his phone speaks.

"Is this the babysitter?"


"I'm Y/N's friend Emma, I told you how to wake him."

"Oh hi. Why are you looking for me?"

"It's Y/N. He called me saying he is at a party and that he couldn't take it anymore. He said the room is spinning and he can't hear then his phone must have died cause the call cut out."

"Did he say anything else, anything that could help us find him?"

"No, I'm sorry please find him."

"I will."

She hangs up turning to Lizzie as she grabs her car keys.

"I think Y/N has been spiked, we have to look for him."

"Let's go."

They both run from the campus to her car, driving through the streets for any sign of him. Scarlett starts to panic for his safety and where he could be when they pass a park seeing a figure laying face down on the ground. 

They pull over rushing from the car to the figure. They roll the person over revealing them to be the guy they are looking for. He looks at them through hooded eyes as he tries to focus his eyes. 

"Y/N, it's Ms. Olsen and Ms. Johansson."

He makes incoherent noises rolling onto his stomach and trying to push himself up. They help him sit up as he leans against Scarlett. 

"We can take him to the college doctor, Mark will look after him."

They both help him stand up walking him to the car and into the back listening to his incoherent noises as they drive back. 

After being checked over by Mark and no sign of being spiked, Scarlett takes Y/N back to his room. He rushes into the bathroom throwing up in the toilet. 

He crawls back out and into his bed curling up in a ball. Scarlett sits down beside him and he faces her looking at her with a smile. She runs her fingers through his hair brushing it from his forehead. 

He tugs at her to lay down with him. She looks at him hesitating, he's her student she shouldn't lay in his bed with him but the vulnerable look in his eyes breaks her walls. She lays down and he snuggles up wrapping his arms around her waist putting his head on her chest. 

She puts his phone on charge and wraps her arms around him as his breathing slows. She tries to fight sleep but the warmth of Y/N lulls her to sleep. 

The next morning, she wakes up confused about where she is till she remembers who's room she is in. He sneezes startling himself awake which makes her laugh. He looks at her and smiles.



He pulls her closer to him and looks into her eyes. She puts her hands on his chest pushing him away confusing him.

"Y/N, this was a one time thing. It shouldn't have happened."

She gets up out of the bed with him sitting up, both in their clothes from the day before.

"What happened last night?"

"You went out and got so drunk we had to bring you back. That was very careless of you Y/N."

"But I didn't drink."

"There was alcohol in your system, nothing else."

"But I didn't drink."

He gets up and stands in front of her.

"Then how is there alcohol in your system?"

"I don't know but I didn't drink."

"You're lying, it's in your system!"

"I didn't drink."

"You did, you think it's fun to act out and not give a shit about yourself or anyone for that matter."

He gets in her face pushing her against the wall.

"I'm not lying and that's not true."

She pushes him back repeatedly poking him in the chest.

"You are the worst behaved student in this entire school, there was alcohol in your system. You act out cause you think it makes you cool."



She watches as the anger fades from his face being replaced with fear as she raises her voice at him. Her hands fly to her mouth after what she said as tears fill his eyes from what she just said.

"Y/N I-"

He runs from his bedroom ignoring as she calls his name. Lizzie is walking down the halls to check if he is okay when she sees him running.


He looks at her skidding and turning to run in her direction crashing into her. He clings to her as he cries like his life depends on it. She lowers to the floor with him rubbing his back and rocking him back and forth. 

"Shhh you're okay, I've got you. You're safe, I'm here. I won't let anything hurt you." 

She kisses his head letting him cry it out, she will ask what's wrong once he calms down and only if he wants to talk about it. 

(A/N: No Lizzie and Y/N will not be anything romantic in this story, she is going to be a mother figure to him and that is it. Popping bubbles before y'all think it haha)

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