8. E X P L A N A T I O N ( 1 )

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Boboiboy: "Oh, hi Pian."
He greeted him but soon realized that the elementals were still out.
'Oh no' thought Boboiboy.

Pian: "By the way, do you mind telling me that why are there FIVE of you?"

As expected, he is in trouble.
'I am as good as dead' thought Boboiboy. He knew he made a mistake and he has to tell the truth now.



"I guess it would be better if everyone would know it" answered Boboiboy. Pian tilted his head. His face was showing pure confusion.

"What do you mean?" asked Pian in confusion. Boboiboy sighed.

"Just gather everyone in the living room, I will then explain this to everyone." answered Boboiboy.

"As you say." said Pian.


Time skip, brought to you by curry puffs:
Author: I regret my decision. Anyways sorry for this ad. Let's continue]

Everyone gathered in the living room of Pian's house. They were confused until they saw Bobo-wait- eight Boboiboys? They got even more confused.

"Alright, what's going on over here?" asked Fang, while munching his red carrot donut.

"Yeah! Why are there eight of you?" asked Deep.

"Yup! We knew you could split, but you split into the elementals and your original version is not around" said Ying. And just like that, Boboiboy was bombarded with various questions, regarding his elementals.

"Calm down guys! I'll only be able to explain if you guys are quiet" requested Boboiboy.

"I assume what ori said is true, because if we add the volume of the three closest stars and triangulate their dista- ouch!" spoke Solar but was smacked by head by someone.
"We don't need your stupid explanation, lightbulb" said Halilintar.
"Watch your mouth Pikachu!"
"Who are you calling Pikachu huh?!"
"Of course you idiot"
"You dum***s"
And the two of them broke into a fight. From a corner of the room-

"Hey Ori! What does dum***s mean?" Duri asked Boboiboy.
"Uh-um...I guess it's better if you don't get to know about it." Boboiboy told Duri and forced a smile.
"Um, really. I am very very sorry if it was something private. I shouldn't have heard their conversation. I don't know if Solar would forgive me. What should I do?..." Duri muttered non-stop. His eyes were getting teary every second. Only Boboiboy could hear him because he was the closest to him. Duri was about to burst into tears but-

"Hey hey hey! It's not your fault, you know! They were yelling so everyone heard them. By the way the word only means a ... ... ... a nickname! Yeah just a nickname!" said Boboiboy, while trying to calm Duri.

"Really! If it's just a nickname for Solar then I will call him that as well! I know he will love it!" chirped Duri. Boboiboy just mentally facepalmed himself and eyed Gempa. Gempa saw him and understood what he meant.

"You don't understand anything Mr. Globophob -ouch!"
"You just exaggerate things, you stupid light bul- Ouch!"

Both of them got smacked on the head by Gempa's rock hands (Ouch that must hurt bad). The two got a huge bump on their head.

"Now now dear brothers. Do you want to still fight?" asked Gempa with a smile- no I mean a scary-No I mean a very very scary smile. The two looked at each other and gulped.

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