1. W H E R E ~ A R E ~ W E ?

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Boboiboy (with his friends) was on a TAPOPS mission to retrieve the power sphera 'TimeBot'. They were on there way to planet 'Droutera 4IX' (ik it's a very random name lol). They had been waiting to reach there for 2.5 hours now and everyone was bored. Except our two girls, who were studying about the power sphera they were going to retrieve. There was total silence until-

"Dey Boboiboy, what's taking Captain Papa so long. Can't we use Ochobot's teleportation power. Then we would be there in no time. Also I would be able to come back quickly and eat.*stomach growls* Huhuhuhu, I am so hungry.*fake cries*" Said Gopal while fake crying.

"No, Gopal. I have told you many times that we need his teleportation powers to be charged. So, we can use it in an emergency" answered Boboiboy while putting his head down in boredom. Silence covered them until-

"HEY, DISCIPLES OF JUSTICE, THE SPACESHIP OF JUSTICE IS ABOUT TO REACH THE PLANET OF JUSTICE IN 10 MINUTES"(ik it's too much but yea~) Shouted CP (CP= Captain Papa) while making the pose he makes to look like a superhero (lol) while sitting on his seat. 

"HEY, CAPTAIN PAPA" shouted everyone simultaneously. They were annoyed that he shouted this loudly even when everyone was around him.

"Dey, Captain Papa are you trying to make us deaf. What would I do if I became deaf and...bla..bla..bla" complained Gopal


Boboiboy sighed knowing that nothing can be done about these two. Gopal stopped his blabbering when he received death glares from the Y duo. When they entered the planet's atmosphere they saw how beautiful the planet is. They then saw a cave in a nearby mountain.

"According to the data we received from the commander, the power sphera is in that cave." Said Fang by pointing his index finger towards the cave. CP heard this and landed the spaceship near the cave. They all got out of the spaceship except CP of-course. He was there to guard the spaceship.

"Alright guys, let's do this without any delay!" said Boboiboy to his friends with high spirit and a warm smile.

"Yea, let's do this!" They all replied.

They entered the cave it was very dark and unfortunately they forgot to bring their flashlights. They were thinking that they were in trouble until someone, completely unexpected, gave an intelligent idea.

"Hey, Boboiboy, just use your light element. We can't see a thing!" said Gopal. Boboiboy quickly nodded and-

"Kuasa elemental: Boboiboy Solar! Light Sphere!" Boboiboy said in a low voice. Suddenly a small light ball appeared floating above Solar's palm.

They all saw someone quietly taking the power sphera, who just happens to be-

"EJO JO!?!" They all shouted very surprised by encountering him in THIS place.

"Eeh, you kids again" said Ejo jo while gritting his teeth but he suddenly started laughing like he had heard the best joke in the universe.

"What's so funny, huh?" questioned Fang as he was annoyed.

"I think he has gone mad." said Gopal

"Scan him now Ochobot. I think he has received some sort of power and he is thinking to defeat us." whispered Boboiboy to Ochobot. Ochobot nodded and started scanning him.

"HUH, What?!?!?" Ochobot whisper-shouted. Everyone gave him a confused look.

"What's wrong Ochobot?" asked Yaya

What Ochobot said, made them gasp."He drained all of the powers of timebot and he can use it on us"

"Everyone be carefull! It can send us in the past or future at any place." continued Ying. Boboiboy turned back to normal as he was about to turn into Halilintar. Fortunately the light ball stayed as it is.

"Eeh what happened Boboiboy?" asked Gopal

"Nothing, just changing the elemental" responded BBB

Suddenly Ejo Jo fired a beam at Ochobot, which only boboiboy noticed. He ran towards ochobot and said-

"Kuasa Elemental: Boboiboy Ge-Aah!uh<insert electricity sounds>

His watch suddenly started gliching. He said-

"Watch out Ochobot!!"

"Huh!" was the response he got from him. Even before ochobot could understand anything, Boboiboy held ochobot in his embrace and protected him from the lazer (the way he protected cattus in BBB Galaxy s1 ep4 from the dart) and he got hit instead.

"Aah" shouted boboiboy.

"BOBOIBOY!!!" his friends shouted.

"Have luck surviving in the past" said Ejo jo and suddenly BBB with ochobot disappeared from there. As BBB disappeared the light ball started to become smaller and then disappeared.

"Huh, what!?" was BBB's friends' reaction


With BBB and Ochobot-  

They were in the sky of Earth and started falling down.

"AHH, WHERE ARE WE FALLING?!?!?!" shouted both of them simultaneously.

[   T O    B E    C O N T I N U E D   ]



So, hey guys! This was the first chapter.I know it's a short one but I will make long ones soon in the future. Let me know what you think about it and feel free to tell me my grammatical mistakes and typos. 

Explanation: If you are confused why ochobot disappeared with BBB then it is because he was in contact with BBB. It was like ochobot's teleportation power as if you use it on someone, then other people who are in contact with that person are also affected.

Have a nice day everyone! Bye.

(Word Count: 849)
(Publish Day & Date:
Wednesday, 11th of January, 2023)

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