4. B A D ~ R O B O T ~ D E T E C T E D ( 1 )

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last chapter:

"Well, you guys can stay in my house, until there is a way to get back in the right time. Currently you both need medical help. You guys should come to my house. I will call the doctor." said Pian.
They all just nodded.
"Thank you Pian for all this help." thanked Boboiboy.
"Don't mention it." answered Pian with a smile.

"Guys, lets go then. What are we waiting for." said Amato.


present time:

Everyone was walking towards Pian's house. Boboiboy was confused that, how were all his friends here.
"Hey, Fang" Boboiboy called him. He was replied with an hmm.
"How, are all of you here?" Boboiboy questioned him.
"uhh...well actually-"


"So, where did you send Boboiboy, huh?" asked Fang. The Kokotaim gang were questioning Ejo Jo about Boboiboy.

"Ya, I wanna see my best friend." demanded Gopal.

"Are you sure, that you didn't forget to do something?" asked Ejo Jo as he started laughing.

"Eh, what's he talking about?" asked Ying

"I have a feeling that something bad is gonna happen." said Yaya.

They were thinking but Ejo Jo shot a lazer at them again. Fang noticed the lazer was aimed for Yaya, Ying and Gopal. He quickly responded by-

"Shadow fingers, huh?" but it was too late. They had already been hit and now the he was also affected.

"Aah!.." they all shouted. They suddenly evaporated into thin air. When they opened their eyes they were in the sky.

"huhuhu, we are going to die! I couldn't even eat my ama's curry this month..." Gopal was blabbering about death.

"Yaya! use your gravitational powers!" shouted Ying as she tried to reach Yaya.

"*gasps* Oh, no. She is unconscious. What should we do now?" said Ying.

"I have an idea! Shadow eagle!" yelled Fang and then black smoke started forming just below them. And it soon shaped into an eagle. Fang then carefully balanced and took everyone on the eagle. He then saw someone familiar.
"huh, guys! Is that Boboiboy!" as he said Gopal started looking where Fang was looking.

"That's my best friend, but...has HE made new friends WITHOUT ME!" yelled Gopal. He was then smacked by Ying.

"Hey, don't think of it as bad. They might be the people who might have saved him. Let's go there." said Ying.

Flashback end

"Oh! That's how you guys end up here." said Boboiboy as he understood the situation of the future.

"Bad Robot Detected" came a voice from Amato's pocket. Amato took the mechanizer out of his pocket.

"huh, not this time. I wanna play Pian's video games" said Mechabot.
"Shut up, you." replied Amato.

Suddenly a big robot jumped from the roof of a building and now, was blocking their way. It looked like Sumorai but was all black and white, with red eyes.

"T-th-that's S-ss-SUNDAI! I am getting out of here!" said Mechabot as he tried to get away but crashed on a pillar because of being too hasty and not looking on the way he was going.
"ouch!" said Mechabot. Amato ignored him.

"Rubika, provide more information on this robot." ordered Amato.
"This is robot Sundai. One of the most powerful robots in the space prison. He was also the space arena champion for 12 consecutive years. He is also said to have destroyed an entire planet." answered Rubika.

"WHAAAT!, we are going to die! huhuhu..." shouted Gopal as he was running here and there.

"Pian!, take everyone to your house!" ordered Amato.
"No, I am going to help you!" said Boboiboy as he was concerned about his father. Amato was about to deny him but-
"Please" said Boboiboy with his puppy eyes (This is literally the best move ever!). Amato shook his head but reluctantly accepted. He then saw a broom nearby and picked it up.
"Mechabot! Mechanize!" yelled Amato. Mechabot then got conscious and was mechanized to the broom.

"huh, what, NO. Not the BROOM AGAIN." Mechabot tried to fly away but couldn't.

"MechaBlaster!" said Amato.

"Terbaik!" said Boboiboy while doing his iconic thumbs up.
"My turn now! Kuasa elemental: Boboiboy Gempa!" said Boboiboy as his clothes and eye color changed.

"Whoa! He is much cooler than you, Amato!" said Mechabot as he teased his friend.
"Shut up, will ya."

And just then Sundai started rushing towards them.

"huh, earth barrier!" said Gempa. But the barrier was broken in no time.
"Earth grasp!" Gempa said as Sundai was now in his earth grasp.
"Amato! NOW!" yelled Gempa. He was replied with a nod.

"FIRE!" said Amato. Sundai now looked like he had been defeated. Gempa then turned back to Boboiboy.

"Huh, how can this be so easy? Rubika said that he is quite a strong robo-" Amato couldn't even finish his words but was punched by the robot and sent flying.

"AMATO!" shouted Boboiboy.

"I-I need to save him! Kuasa elemental: Boboiboy Taufan" Boboiboy turned to Taufan and was about to fly to where Amato was. But was stopped by Sundai and was now in his tight grip.

"Where do you think you are going?" said Sundai with a creepy smile on his face.(Fun Fact: That smile wasn't even close to Gempa's smile. Alas! we have an airhead for now.)

"Argh! let go of me!" said Boboiboy, but then an idea came to his mind.

[ T O B E C O N T I N U E D ]


A/N: Sorry, guys for the long wait. And sorry if the chapter wasn't up to your expectations and felt rushed. I am sorry for it to be very short as well. I am actually busy with my examinations. They will finish on 25th of January. So, I will try to provide proper updates after that. You guys can also comment and give me ideas for future chapters.

Note: I will update the story, every Friday after my examinations.


(Words: 944)
(Publish Day & Date:
Friday, 20th of January, 2023)

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