Chapter 40

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Once everyone had finished their lunch, Harlow helped the kids back into their winter coats, hats, and gloves. Quinn paid the check as she was busy with the kids. He tipped the waiter well before following Harlow and the kids back outside. They found a good place that wasn't too busy with other people. Harlow showed the kids how to make snowballs as Quinn was taking photos of her helping the kids. He handed her phone back to her so he could get in on the snowball fight. Gage hit Quinn in the side of the head making Harlow laugh heartily. Harlow took a video of everyone throwing snowballs at one another and laughing like maniacs. She also got a lot of good candid shots. Not wanting his wife to miss out on the fun, he took her phone so she could get into the snowball fight. As she was blowing Quinn a kiss, Willow threw a snowball that hit her in the side of the head making Quinn laugh. She stuck her tongue out at him making him laugh harder.

Harlow threw a snowball at Willow hitting her directly in the face. Kian was laughing like a maniac every time he made a snowball and was able to throw it and hit someone with it. Gage was more interested in making the snowballs than throwing them. Two hours later and Harlow was calling it a day. The kids hadn't had a nap, it had been a long day of traveling, and they were all starting to shiver from the cold. She suggested they head inside to warm up and have some hot cocoa. Willow was excited for that so Harlow and Quinn dusted all the kids off of as much snow as they could before heading inside. There were two couches by the fire in the lobby where people could sit, relax, and have hot cocoa so Harlow ushered the kids to one couch before she went to get cups of cocoa for them. Quinn got cocoa for him and Harlow since her hands were full. Willow thanked her mother as Harlow was passing out the cups. She warned the children the cocoa was hot and to be careful. Harlow and Quinn sat down on the other couch to sip their cocoa and warm up by the fire. She could see how tired the kids were despite them trying to stay awake. It wasn't too late in the evening but between the traveling that morning, all the activities they'd participated in already, and not having a nap yet, it was easy to see why they were so sleepy already. 

After everyone had finished their cocoa, Harlow suggested they head up to their suite to relax and get a nap. They could watch movies after their nap. Gage and Kian wanted to fight them on taking a nap but Quinn put his foot down as they were making their way to the elevators. Harlow wanted a little nap as well. The kids got settled on the wrap-around couch in the living room with a movie. Harlow went to lay down for a nap while Quinn sat in the living room to watch over the kids. Kian was fighting sleep but it was a losing battle as he kept nodding off. Willow snuggled into the arm of the chair and closed her eyes. Gage tried to stay awake but it, too, was a losing battle. He eventually fell over asleep. Quinn had to smile at the children. It had been a long day thus far albeit a fun one. The excitement of their first plane ride plus all the fun winter activities they got to participate in had tuckered them all out. Once all the kids had fallen asleep, he let himself drift off to a contented nap. Harlow woke up first and stretched her back. She quietly walked into the living room and had to smile. Seeing how everyone were laying, or sitting in Quinn's case, she knew she had to get a photo. She took her phone and quickly snapped a photo of the four of them sleeping.

As Harlow was playing a game on her phone, Willow began to wake up. She complained of being thirsty. It was early evening and too early for dinner. Harlow looked in the fridge and found it had been stocked. There was a bottle of OJ in there so she poured a cup for Willow but made her stay in the kitchenette area in case she spilled some. The kitchenette was tiled while everywhere else was carpeted. Gage began to wake up as Willow was drinking her juice. He asked what they were going to do the rest of the day. Harlow told him they were going to stay in their room and watch movies. They'd go skiing the following day. Gage and Quinn began to wake up as Harlow was telling Kian their plans for the evening. Willow and Gage wanted to go play in the snow again but Harlow told them they'd get to go play the following day. It was time to rest now. They would have plenty of time to play in the snow the week they were there. Her answer settled the children down although they were still a bit antsy. Around dinner time, they headed back down to the resort's restaurant. They had the same waiter as before to Harlow's relief. He was good and was very patient with the children. 

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