Chapter 39

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Christmas morning after a hearty breakfast was spent in opening gifts. Some were from Santa and some were from mom and dad. The gifts the kids needed like new socks, underware, and a new winter coat were from Santa. Harlow didn't want her children to be too spoiled. They didn't get anything as extravagant as a gaming console. They were too young according to Harlow. They got toys they'd been wanting and some books and even a few new outfits. Willow was excited for her new clothes but the boys weren't as thrilled. It made Quinn laugh at their reactions. The boys were more interested in the toys they'd gotten for Christmas. Harlow saved the best present for last.

"Hey guess what? There's one more present and this one is for all of you." Harlow smiled.

"What is it?" Willow asked.

"We're taking a trip!" Harlow beamed.

"Really?! Where?" Willow's eyes widened.

"We're going to a resort in Colorado. We're going to get to play in the snow. Make snow angels, have a snowball fight, ski, have hot chocolate by a fire. How does that sound?" Harlow explained.

"YA!" Kian shouted making both adults laugh.

"When are we leaving?" Willow asked.

"We leave first thing in the morning. I've already packed your bags so all we have to do is get up and get to the airport." Harlow replied.

"We're going on a plane?!" Gage's eyes widened.

"Yes we are. You three need to be on your best behavior as we make the trip to the resort. No fussing, crying, kicking the back of the seat, or making a scene. Ok?" Quinn stated.

"Yes, Daddy!" Willow smiled.

"Good. Who wants to help me clean up the living room?" Quinn asked.

"I will!" Willow stated.

"Me too!" Gage added in.

"Let's pick up the paper and ribbon first." Quinn told the pair as Kian was busy looking at some of his new toys.

Quinn made a game out of cleaning up the living room which helped make it more fun for the kids to help clean up. Harlow helped the kids by putting away their new clothes in their drawers or hanging up what needed to be hung up. Christmas had been a success to Harlow. The kids were happy with their gifts, her surprise went over really well, and dinner was going to be good. It was a great day! Quinn even surprised her by giving her a beautiful pink diamond ring for Christmas. It was unique and something she treasured since she knew it couldn't have been cheap. He also gave her a gift certificate to the local spa where she could get a full body massage, have a facial, take a mud bath, and have a manicure and pedicure done. She gave him a chrome kit for his bike and all three kids made homemade Christmas cards for him. Quinn wasn't upset, the holiday was more about the kids than anything as well as being together as a family.

The next morning, Harlow got up extra early to bring all the bags to the front door. She made a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage while Quinn woke the children and got them ready for their day. Willow was very excited and woke up quickly. The two boys wanted to sleep more but they were on a tight schedule. As Harlow was bringing breakfast to the table, the kids finally made their way to the dining room. Everyone ate in silence since most didn't want to be up that early. After everyone ate, Harlow began cleaning up the kitchen and dining table from breakfast. As she was busy, Quinn got the kids into their booster seats in her SUV before loading up the bags in the back. Once the dishes were loaded in the dishwasher and it was going and the kitchen was clean, she left the house, locked it up, and slid into the passenger seat. Quinn was driving them to the airport. None of the kids had ever been on an airplane before and didn't know what to expect. Harlow, upon reading about traveling with toddlers, took the advice of bringing some candy for the kids to suck on to help pop their ears as they flew. 

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