Chapter 25

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"Once I come back from taking Willow to daycare, we'll clean out and rebandage your wounds." Harlow told her guest.

"Sounds good. Thanks for your help." He replied.

"Oh sweetie, it's no problem. I've housed Tig and Happy for a couple days because they needed somewhere to hide before I was an actual 'ol lady. I don't mind helping the club." She replied.

"Wow. You're very generous." He chuckled.

"Thanks." She stated.

She left the dishes for after she returned from taking Willow to daycare. About fifteen minutes later, Harlow returned and took the bag Chibs had left with medical supplies so she could clean and redress Kozik's wounds after the washed her hands. He had to take his shirt off for her to help but she wasn't looking at him in a lustful way. She was as gentle as she could be at cleaning out his wounds then spread some antibiotic ointment over them to help keep them from getting infected before placing some gauze over them and taping them down. He thanked her for her help as he put his shirt back on. She smiled and told him it was no problem as she took the old bandages to throw them away. She still needed to clean the kitchen from breakfast before getting to work. Kozik sat on the couch to watch TV while she was in the kitchen. The dishwasher was full so she got it going before heading to her office to start her work day. Other than helping clean out and rebandage his wounds, Harlow's day was pretty typical. Around four pm, she shut her console down to pick up Willow from daycare. They played a little in her room when they got home so they wouldn't disturb their guest. At five pm, Harlow started dinner.

It was two days later that trouble started. Kozik had been having trouble sleeping due to pain. He heard something that caught his attention so he left his room and headed into the master to wake up Harlow. She was surprised to see the short blond in her room. He stated he heard someone in the living room or kitchen and for her to head to Willow's room and call Tig. She slid out of bed, grabbed her cell, and headed into her daughter's room. Willow remained sleeping as Harlow stood near the bed and dialed Tig's number.

"Doll? What's wrong?" Tig sleepily asked.

"I'm so sorry for calling you but Kozik heard someone in the house. We're hiding in Willow's room. Please hurry!" She exclaimed as Kozik entered the room and shut the door.

"I could hear at least two people in the living room." Kozik told her.

"He heard at least two people in the living room. What do we do?" She asked.

"You stay right where you're at. I'll call Juice and we'll be on the way as soon as we can. Do not call the police, ok? Stay calm." Tig told her.

"Please hurry! Kozik's in no condition to be fighting anyone." She replied.

"We'll be there soon. Stay calm, stay quiet." Tig told her before hanging up to call Juice.

The I/O wasn't thrilled at being woken up in the middle of the night. Tig told him to race to the clubhouse to pick up the van and then head to Harlow's house. Juice promised he'd be right there. He liked Harlow and didn't want anything to happen to her or her precious little girl. He finally parked his bike then walked into the office to get the keys to one of their vans. Tig's bike was already gone so he immediately left to head to Harlow's house. When Tig arrived, he found the front door wide open. He took out his gun and slowly moved through the living room. Nothing seemed out of sorts so he moved into the kitchen. A couple drawers were wide open as if someone were searching for something. He looked down the hallway and saw the light was on in one of the bedrooms. Tig cautiously began making his way down to the bedroom. Suddenly a guy Tig didn't know was shoved out of the room with Kozik right behind him. The unknown man stood up and whipped out a knife from his pocket. The closer Tig got to the room, he could hear Willow crying and Harlow trying to calm her down. Kozik was doing his best to keep this unknown guy away from the two females. Then the SAA remembered her telling him Kozik heard two people in the kitchen and wondered where the other person was.

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