Call for Celebration

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The six months of duty as intern was ended and they are preparing for the graduation. They needed to go to the University to manage all the documents that they needed;

Abigail tapped him on the shoulder, "Thank you for the past few months with me" she said with a sweet smile

He was stunned a little, "Thank you for the six months that you allowed me to be at your side" he answered

She wanted to laugh on his expression, "What are you talking about?" she asked "We are friends, right?" she added

He suddenly chuckles, "Yeah, we are friends" he said

At the same time, she received a message from Crissa and Eunice if they can have a party tomorrow to their house then she replied that they can held a party tomorrow since all of them were finished to their on the job trainings. "Ysh, you can go to our party tomorrow, if you have no other schedules" she said

He didn't any second thought about it, "Yes, I will be there" he answered "What time it would be?" he asked

She thought about it, "I will inform you later using mom's phone if what time it would be" she answered

At five in the afternoon, they say goodbye to each other then went to their respected houses.


Yshmael's Residence

When he entered his house, her mother prepared already their dinner;

"Son, change your clothes because we will eat dinner" she said when she noticed her son passing by

He looked at his mother then nodded as his answer, he went to his room and changed his clothes. When he was done, he immediately walked towards the dining area and greet his mother, "How are you today, Ma?" he asked then he filled his plate with so much rice

His mother smiled, "Are you hungry that much?" she asked

He chuckles and nodded, "We finished the application for graduation this day and I got very tired for the whole day" he answered then he started to eat.

His mother just looked at him smiling thinking that was the first time she saw her son eating so much. After dinner, he helped her to clean up then he talked to her about the celebration that will held to Abigail's house.

"Mom, what can I bring for tomorrow's celebration?" he asked

She looked at him, "What do you want to cook for that occasion?" she asked

His mother dried her hands to her apron and think anything, "Maybe, you can bake something sweet or you can cook some dish that Abigail loves" she answered

Yshmael thought about it, about the dishes that he cooked for six months "Maybe I can cook a sweet and spicy chicken for her" he remembered that she loves sweet and a little spicy dishes.

She smiled to him, "You love her?" she asked

That question made him blush, "What are you talking about Mom?" he wanted to deny about it "We are just friends, and she loves me as her dear friend" he said

"It's been a long time ago since I saw you like that" she walked towards the table to wipe it "Did you already confessed your feelings for her?" she asked

He continued to deny about his feelings to his mother, "Ma. you just over thinking everything about me" he smiled

She smiled, "Is that so, you can cooked anything for tomorrow" she said "I will sleep early this night because I've so tired for the whole day" she chuckles then walked towards her room.

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