Chapter 1

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No One's POV

It was 1927 and Y/N had just moved to New Orleans. She was 20 years and had finally moved out of her parent's house.

It was time for her to start her own life. No one to tell her no and no one bossing her around. She was free...

But what She didn't know was that she was now living next door to a murderer...

Time Skip

As Y/N placed the last box in her new house she smiled proudly. "Finally finished..." Y/N sighed out as she fell onto the couch closeting her E/C "Now I can rest..." She mumbled out as she started to drift off to sleep.

Suddenly there was loud knocking sound coming from her door. Y/N lifted her head and looked over at the door with a raised eyebrow. 'Who could be knocking at this hour' you thought to yourself as you got up from the couch and started to make you way over to the door.

When Y/N touch the door handle she felt something in her mind tell her not to open it and that If she did something bad would happen. Y/N looked to the ground thinking for a few seconds before shrugging her shoulders and opening the door.

When the door fully opened there she saw a tall and slender man with short dark brown hair and brown eyes. The man's smile widened as he saw the short H/C hair girl.

Y/N felt her heart races as she stud in front of the strange man that had knocked on her door. "Umm s-sir may I-I he-help you" Y/N stuttered out nervously.

The man chuckled and stuck out his hand. "Alastor, a pleasure to meet you, dear. I saw you moving in and I just had to say hello" he said happily.

Y/N's eyes widened as he sud there in shock. 'This must be my neighbour' Y/N thought. Y/N then let out a small sigh of relief as she shook Alastor's hand. "Y/N, it nice to met you too Alastor" Y/N replied. She then let a yawn.

Alastor noticed this and raised an eyebrow. "Did I wake you up, dear?" Alastor asked.

Y/N looked up at him and shook her head with a closed eye smile. "No, I'm just tired from moving all those boxes" you told him trying to reassure him.

Alastor thought for a second before nodded and turned around. "Well, I should be going. It is late" he said as he began walking off.

Y/N nodded as she waved goodbye to Alastor. "Bye!" She yelled. Alastor suddenly stopped and turned to face the girl with an evil smirk on his face.

Y/N couldn't see it but for some reason, she felt a shiver go down her spine. 'Probably the cold' she thought.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Y/N" Alastor said before walking off back to his house.

Y/N watched Alastor's silhouette walk back to his home before she slowly shut the door. When the door fully shut she leaned against it and let a sigh.

A thought ran through Y/N's head tells her not to trust Alastor. That something was going to happen if she did. But Y/N just shook her head telling her self that she was just paranoid before walking back into her living room to have a little rest on her couch.

'He's just a nice guy who wanted to say hello. He won't hurt me' Y/N thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Oh, but was she wrong...

Dead wrong...

Falling In Love With A Murderer (Hazbin Hotel: Alastor X Reader) ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt