Sisters' Day

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*Adrian's POV*

I smiled as I looked in the mirror at the suit I wore for Mira and Racie's sisters' day. I got Tarrant to dress up with Mason and me as his family decorated and Madison will play the piano. It was actually her idea as she wanted to show her mother and aunt how much she's been practicing. I walked out into the foyer of Mira's castle and bowed to Mira and Racie, "Good afternoon, your Majesties. I am Adrian, your host for the rest of the day. Mr. Hightopp and Mr. Mason of Marmoreal will be assisting me today as well as Miss Madison of Marmoreal will be playing piano for the musical setting of your sisters' day. Please," I held out my arms to the sisters, "allow me to escort you to the dining room for an afternoon tea time." Mira and Racie giggled as they took my arms, allowing them to be glided towards the table and their assigned seats.

I bowed to Mira and Racie as they both took their seats, "Now, what can I get you two lovely ladies to drink?" Mira smiled, "Some wine please." Racie nodded in agreement, "Please brother. I would love some as well." I smiled and walked into the kitchen to pour their wine. "Oh, Adrian. This is so lovely! You are such a good father and husband. I wish there was twenty just like you." Tarrant's mother gushed and pinched my cheeks. 

Zanik chuckled, "Tyva, dear, please. You're squishing the poor boy. I have no doubt that there are many fine men just like Adrian around, but you are married to me, so none of that nonsense of you wanting one just like him." Tyva giggled, "But for our daughter, Paloo. She would be happy with a man like Adrian." 

I laughed, "Yeah, but let's not go in the direction that Racie went, hmm? Let's stick with letting Paloo decide for herself." Zanik nodded and laughed, "Of course, you couldn't handle another situation like that. You'd go mad." Tarrant walked into the room and laughed, "Oh Father, being Mad is the best way." 

"Mr. Adrian, could I please have a refill of wine?" I could hear Mira in the other room, speaking poshly as Racie giggled. I smiled and rolled my eyes, knowing that I'll never live this down until I die, and even then, my children might let this story continue. I walked out to the table with a smile, pouring more wine. I jumped and shrieked as Mira's hand gripped my backside, "Mirana!" Mirana chuckled, "Sorry sweetie. It was tempting." I blushed hard and covered my face as Iracebeth cackled, "That was great. Sissy, that was priceless."

I blushed harder and walked into the kitchen, passing a snickering Tyva and Zanik. I also passed Mason and Madison who were giggling. I set my hand on my hips, grinning while looking down at them, "Excuse me you absolute heathens. May I help you?" The twins stopped laughing and looked at me with innocence. "Of course not daddy! We love you!" Madison said cutely. I grinned as the twins giggled and walked toward the door, "I'm going to get you!" The twins squealed as they bolted with me right on their tails. 

"Mummy! Aunt Racie! Help us!" The twins yelled as they ran into the family room, where Mira and Racie traveled to, as they had finished their afternoon tea. I chuckled, "Your mother and Aunt, can't help you now." I lunged at my children and tickled them as they laughed, "Daddy! Stop!" Mira giggled as Racie watched the interaction with love. 

"Daddy! I yield!" I grinned smugly and sat on a floor pillow as the twins gasped for breath. I snuggled into the pillow and groaned as the twins slammed their bodies into mine. "Mira! Get these heathens off of me!" Mirana giggled, "Those heathens are a carbon copy of you, honey. It's your fault."

I smiled and cuddled my children close, "Yeah, you're right. I wouldn't change it for the world." With that, the twins and I fell asleep on the pillow by the fire as Mira and Iracebeth softly talked about everything. 

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